General Advice Needed

Wow, thanks for all the added advice since yesterday. We've actually been out this am and bought more plants so its looking very well planted. We've also added 5 sailfin guppies and one red-tailed black shark. That's it now as the tank looks really good and plenty full enough. They seem happy enough and the shark has already found the caves in the 'rocks' we put in at the start. So our total fish complement is:
1 red-tailed black shark, 1 small angelfish, 3 dalmatian mollies, 5 red platys, 5 sailfin guppies (15 total) plus 9 molly fry. We've also spotted about 4 other baby molly fry who we didn't catch - whether the other fish get them or not depends on how fast they can swim! But they've already survived 4-5 days so there's hope for them yet. The 9 fry seem to be growing fast; got the freeze-dried blood worms; they loved that! The adults enjoyed it too.
I'm beginning to think that all fish are sex mad! Not only do we have 9 molly fry in the breeding net (all coming along fine by the way) but we have at least another 7 swimming happily amongst the big fish. Now it looks like a couple of our red platys may be pregnant too. When do you get the point where you think you need TWO tanks?????? PS I'm still really enjoying this new hobby!
I. When do you get the point where you think you need TWO tanks??????

Really soon, your Livebearers will make sure of that. :p

But yep, they do have a lot of fry. It's easy to get over-run. You could try just leaving them in the tank, and not isolating them. Most likely some will survive, especially if you have some plants and decorations. What other fish do you have? :)
1 small angelfish, 1 red-tailed black shark, 5 red platys, 3 dalmatian mollies, 4 sailfin guppies and the fry.
Ahhh...with the Angelfish and the Shark, I wouldn't think many fry would survive. Okay, nevermind my plan.

Is it possible your fish store can take some off your hands? :)

Edit: Or you could, of course, just make your second tank really big...500 gallons should do.
Probably could but for now as we're new at this and enjoying watching them grow we'll carry on. My son has a huge tank so when they're big enough he'll probably have some of them. The shark and angelfish have totally ignored the fry in the main tank, the platys are the ones who seem interested but up to now the fry at so quick they're okay!
Yeah, I wasn't saying now. Eventually though...there will be too many fry, it just happens with Livebearers. For a while they should be okay though. If there is anyway you can seperate males from females (The fry) then that will help a bit with breeding too. :)

Enjoy your breeding though! Do you have any pictures of the fry, or the parents? :D
Haven't taken any photos yet - will try to soon. Thanks for all your help - you've been great. Have a nice weekend.

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