Fish Fanatic
Hello all, fantastic site here!
I've read lots of threads and got tonnes of very useful info. But I was wondering if someone might spare 5 minutes to humour me with some general advice?
Over the years I have had various types of goldfish and also guppies, but it has been a while and now I am considering starting a tropical tank.
I am thinking about getting a tank that is 36inches wide, 18inches deep and 18inches tall - which would be around 190 litres (or 50 American gallons).
Naturally I want the whole set up to look as attractive as possible, but I also need to bear in mind that I wont necessarily have heaps and heaps of spare time to dote on the little blighters, so although I will look after them very well, it would be beneficial to myself if I was to avoid fish that create a lot of mess or need a lot of specialist care. For example I'm aware that Oscars can be messy buggers, so it may be wise for me to avoid fish like that?
I was considering having a small shoal of Neon Tetras perhaps. What other fish would compliment these? Is it true that Angel Fish like to eat them?
Any advice on types of heaters and filters would also be greatly appreciated. Alas, if anyone does indeed think my post is a bit "out of line", then I do apologise and would gladly follow any links I should have perhaps already acquainted myself with.
Once again, thank you for your time.
I've read lots of threads and got tonnes of very useful info. But I was wondering if someone might spare 5 minutes to humour me with some general advice?
Over the years I have had various types of goldfish and also guppies, but it has been a while and now I am considering starting a tropical tank.
I am thinking about getting a tank that is 36inches wide, 18inches deep and 18inches tall - which would be around 190 litres (or 50 American gallons).
Naturally I want the whole set up to look as attractive as possible, but I also need to bear in mind that I wont necessarily have heaps and heaps of spare time to dote on the little blighters, so although I will look after them very well, it would be beneficial to myself if I was to avoid fish that create a lot of mess or need a lot of specialist care. For example I'm aware that Oscars can be messy buggers, so it may be wise for me to avoid fish like that?
I was considering having a small shoal of Neon Tetras perhaps. What other fish would compliment these? Is it true that Angel Fish like to eat them?
Any advice on types of heaters and filters would also be greatly appreciated. Alas, if anyone does indeed think my post is a bit "out of line", then I do apologise and would gladly follow any links I should have perhaps already acquainted myself with.
Once again, thank you for your time.