Fish Fanatic
Hi Everyone.....
I currently have a tropial set up which is 20 Gallons, about 80 litres. with a Fluval 3 "I Think" Internal Filter.
and a basic heater "will give the name later" Sorry for lack of precision, at work and not sure on name!
Im looking at going in to marine, ive been reading over the forum and books for some time! the only thing I lack,
is confidence to go and do it"and knowledge on sumps"! so my 1st step it to write down a list of, "Things i need" and "Should consider's"
I would really apreciate it if you could advise on what im saying, pro's and con's and if you have an idea which may help!
Im planning on using the tank i have "once cleared" along with the heater and filter...if possible??
I have a halogen Bulb on the tropical tank atm, would you suggest upgrading it? or having a diffrent one? ideas?
I plan on keeping a arrange of coral, couple of clowns, maybe a goby, some cuc, any thing else?
as for skimmer, would a skimmer that hangs from the side of the tank be worthy? or would it have to be with a sump?what would you suggest for the size of my tank
Im not planning on investing in a RO unit, i think its to early, so getting Liquid from my LFS should be fine?
A refractometer? i see this is a MUST NEED piece of equipment as it tests the concentration in salt water? what would people suggest as a good beginner piece of hardware?
Test kits? ive searched a few on the net, would you say this was a good one? http/
On too power heads, as im not sure what to plan, im not sure which power heads will do the trick? can i stay with my filter, or do i need to get an additional pump??
let me know if ive missed some thing!
Next stage...Thinking about substrate and rock??
Lovely Jubbly.