Righty, been meaning to do this for aaaages now, I acquired a 120l tank about a year and a half ago with the intention of just having a few fish in it, however plans changed as I started to look into planted tanks. I spent the next while collecting all the kit I thought I would need for a hight tech setup. My first efforts were pretty crap tbh, both in terms of looks and growing healthy plants (hence the lack of photos from these early days!), algae was a constant battle along with the dreaded spirogyra. However, after persevering, I managed to be able to grow plants that were healthy and for the most part algae free. At this point I added a shedload of blyxa and some HC purely just to see if I could get them to grow as I'd heard they can both be quite difficult. Both of these plants went absolutely mental, so happy with that I decided to make my first attempt at scaping the tank in a slightly more organised fashion, I ended up just using blyxa and HC with a couple of P. helferi cuttings I didn't want to bin and moved the stems into another tank, rocks were bought for cheapness from lfs as I couldn't stretch to the ones I really wanted from AE. I recently went over to EI dosing partly because of cost but also as I have a pump ready to setup an autodosing system (I love a good gadget!). Basically, so far so good, it's due for a rescape at some point as I'm down for some manzanita wood that's coming from the states. Pics below, please excuse the lack of skills...
Tank specs:
120l 900x300x450mm
2x39w T5HO
Tetratec EX1200
Hydor Koralia 1
Hydor external heater
JBL CO2 with external diffuser
Ecocomplete with a bit of gravel
Autodoser (when I get my finger out)
Blyxa and HC added:
Current scape:
As it stands now:
Tank specs:
120l 900x300x450mm
2x39w T5HO
Tetratec EX1200
Hydor Koralia 1
Hydor external heater
JBL CO2 with external diffuser
Ecocomplete with a bit of gravel
Autodoser (when I get my finger out)
Blyxa and HC added:
Current scape:
As it stands now: