picture day...
as you can see on the top right my chain sword floaters have not been successful
the thing im talking about... gold barb got in the way sorry
i got ripped off at the LFS (though i guess sorta my fault for buying it) i thought he had a wierd eye or something but when he took a stroll to the front i noticed its not embedded in or anything its just plain gone poor guy
an okish pic of the second oldest resident
dont mind little old me i look like a Horsie!
him again lol,i should namehimor something he is a stunner
the new guy is doing fine, hes the other ones minion soits all good (though he already is starting the flashing)
the one in the back has been getting taller on the top and bottom i cant wait till he gets like the male praecox that will be niice
Clowns are doing fine, kinda wierd how the ones i dubbed male female when they were juvies playedout 100% correct lol
Zoos doin fine HATE the algae
Mister blenny in his 'imscared out of my mind' colors, gotte remember to get a nice pic of the two new guys when they're out and about in the morning
these looked better on the camera.... i hope to improve as time goes on