Gab99S Tanks


Jack Of All Trades
Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
tank 1: now changed to 65 gallon
2 clowns
2 bangaii
2 firefish
1 longnose hawkfish
1 tail-spot blenny
1 long-finned fairywrasse
1 flame angel

disk coral
blue xenia
green bubble coral
bubble coral
candy cane
kenya tree
favia/brain coral
cup coral
hammer coral
and more...

tank 2: 55 gallons freshwater planted
6 bosemani rainbows
5 gold barbs (puntius semifaciolatus)
1 stripped raphael catfish
6 sterbai cories
6 redline torpedo barbs
5 neon rainbows
3 south american leaf fish

tell me what you think :D //// to be honest, the only one that might happen now is the third tank which im shooting for, the salt tank is going to take a while until my dad can be willing to part with the 2400$ to get everything needed for it/// go figure tank 3 didnt happen, im not in the least bit happy with president dad, as usual he makes too many promises and ends up fufilling nothing

edit 12/25/2010
tank 1: now changed to 75 gallon tank
2 clowns
2 bangaii
1 firefish
1 longnose hawkfish
1 tail-spot blenny
1 long-finned fairywrasse
1 flame angel
1 mandarin goby
1 powder brown tang
1 black cap jawfish

tank 2:
6 Celebes half beak
6 Silver hatchets
6 Boesemani rainbows
1 Stripped Raphael catfish
3 Angelicus / kubotai botia loach
3 Giant Whiptail catfish (sturisoma aureum)
3 Rineloricaria parva cat
6 Oto
4 gold barbs
6 praecox rainbows

as for the other tanks, ill need to have something to do when im an adult now wont i? with no restrictions and (hopefully) enough income ill have my fun
ok the verdict is now we are trecking to georgia via car :blink: great, but at least i know what im doing now lol

and to re edit the brackish tank thanks to the help of some of the folks in the brackish forum, if anyone can help me out further with stocking this one (first time brackish so i want it to go well) thad be great, this thread might be getting more updates since school ends in 1.5 weeks :( :(

tank 4: 55 gallon brackish planted
5 mono sebae
5 bumble bee gobies
2 knight gobies
1 figure eight puffer
This sounds great! Can't wait to see photos of it all coming together!
well things are creeping along as usual, movers come next week during finals :crazy: i hope i dont lose anything important lol.

and i dont have as many 20 gallons a i thought as if forgot we gave away some so i have.... 3 but i can put themto good use :good:
well im moving this week so ill see you all sunday!
lol before this post i had 1111 posts

anyway... move went ok but took forever

clowns are in a clear 8 gallon tub w/lid and seem fine for now, 2 chunkcs of LR are with them so they should be fine for the week

my fish are in about 1 gallons of water with the swords floating above them for cover

both have heaters on ad the clowns have their power head

all filter media and chaeto is sealed in baggies w/ water fromthe tanks (respectivley)

here goes to a succussfulmove
well its day one and im in nevada, the freshwater fishies are doing fine and the tub has no leaks so alls good with them.

however, the salties are in for a very rough ride, if they make it im renaming them super and lucky heres what happened

tub has 7 gallons of water, while driving we noticed 2 little holes madefor the handles on both sides that are too low and are causing water loss. we go to the petstore to pickup a styrofoam contaner and we did not wash it or clean it out and daddy dearest decided to pour the fish in anyway, we lost about 1 or two gallons as the thing leaked. wethen bought silicone and duct tape and super bound it but still lost more water, the water is murky and we lost about half the water but the clownfish seem to be themselves and hopefully theyll be ok in the morning eeeek
well the other hotel we stayed at while in... flagstaff arizona didnt have internet so ill have to go all the way back till the morning after the last one on thursday. we saw the dam and it was cool but the canyon we had to take a 2 hour drive through very bumpy terrain all for something really dumb and we lost more water but not as much as last time as we got the hang of the tub lol. we ended up camping in flagstaff and everyone is accounted for, though we lost about 4 hours of driving. this morning we bought a styrofoam tub and a bunch of black garbage bags, the heavy duty stuff. we lined the styrofoam tube with 3 bags and placed the fish inverts and what remained of the zoas (xenia was so bad we could only give it a chance to live through it with the live rock which we put in a seperate bag) in there, fed them alittle bit and sealed the lid on with duct tape. dad forgot to plug in the power head today and its designed to not be opened till we reach georgia tomorrow night, i hope they can go a bit longer as it would be awful to have them lost at the last bit of the trip, and ill be plugging the powerhead in personally tomorrow.

now for the freshwater, lol despite that bumpy ride we have not lost any water and they are fine, though certainly not happy in the slightest.

so now im right smack between oklahoma and arkansas with 11 hours remaining, we re wake at 8 (its 4am now lol) and onlystop to let the dogs do buiness and for lunch so we should be there by.... 10 pm at the latest.
well, i was right, my cheap *** dad would not pull through, ill edit my stocking accordingly with whats "allowed" :angry: :angry: reedit is there on the first post, ill just have to make the tanks bigger and badder when i move out lol
movers are today so well see how much i can set up for my current fish.
LOL the Marine tank size dropped a bit!

Now I know nothing of Marine fish but your newly edited stocking of fish and corals seems a little too much for 65gallon?
well, the corals are fine as long as they fit i think as some tanks ive seen have been loaded up with them

as for the stocking im not too sure i just took out all the "big" fish and anything i wouldnt even dare keep in such a small (marine wise) tank, i think ill take out the dotty back too but i think the stocking is fine as most of these fish barley get 4", ill double check on the marie forum to be postive, but i am deeply saddened i cant keep my favorite fishies of all time, the ones that got me into this whole mess in the first place lol (chocolate chiclid, mandarin goby, achilles tang :( )
yeah, double checked stocking is NOT ok, ill edit it accordingly as well as another major change, im changing the title since it wont be a fish room anymore and im back to 2 tanks :angry:

however everythings out of the crates and the 20 gallon saltwater has been re-setup till we get the 65 gallon. the clownfish are doing fine ill get a pic up soon as my dad is testing the water

the 55 is stiil in the garage and we will set it up tomorrow, we went to the local petco and found out it was awseome!! the girl in charge of the fish knew her stuff real well and we ended up chatting for a few minutes, she even pointed me in the direction of a specialist store for "hard to find" fish. too bad i didnt catch her name lol. anywaysss i ended up buying a basic CO2 system so ill take pics and see what you think later on as something important is going on. might go back for their chain sword i saw and unlike my old petco everything is labelled no dead fish and evrything looks nice.
well i did go back and ended spending what little money i have kept secret to myself over the month ( i lost my wallet and since im not grown up i didnt panic :rolleyes: ) on about 6-7 bunches of argentinian swords, and about 6 bunches of chain swords, i also bought black sand which had stuff for plants in it and with my luck its as "soft" as my old sand so i mixed both of them to get a silty gray color (and still available for the eventual sterbais) which i like better than perfect river bed tan lol. i planted it up with everything trying to keep in mind of the eventual melon sords, red ludwigia, and dwarf baby tears going in (i think i accidently made a golden point too, pics soon i promise if i forget imaginatively slap me lol) and filled her up with my homemade python (stumbled acros a thread and though why not) the water looked clear enough with the lights so i immediatly put the heater and filter in (with hopefully still alive old filter cartridges i bagged up to take along the trip) and acclimated the fishies (dam oto was the hardest to catch and eventually got fed up and man-handled it to the tank) put the declhorinator (before filters were on, you cant say i remember the important stuff lol i yelled at my dad when he was just about to plug it in) put them in, added all the stuff for the CO2 and gt it working (i didnt attach the airline tubing to the "reactor" cuz if i remember correctly plants dont ned CO2 at night and therefore be pointless?) and will connect it tomorrow and see ze bubbles!!

o yeah and my dads going against logic and is going to add either a clown goby/orange striped cardinal fish and a tail spot blenny to the 20 :/ cant say i tried, though i did let slip of the "guideline" 2 gal. for 1 inch, but i think that puts him in need for another 4 gallons?? whatever imo i hope nothing goes wrong for the fishes sake but i also hope something does go wrong so he learns his freaking lesson. the zoas are nearly dead but are recovering at an increase from 1 to 5 open polypsout of the old 60 ish :crazy: the rest are covered in hair algae or barely attached and covered in "salt" which is wierd cuz i thought coral cant get ick? however i was able to convince him to not get them until the reset up shows no signs of cycling (yesterday it showed .25 ammonia so i got Really worried, didnt test today as i didnt have time)

pics tomorrow as they are (trying) to get some sleep lol and so am i, and maybe then people will start posting here lol i swear you all are attracted to pics, im not going to post the trip pics as about 170/177 are not fish related and its too tedious to post anywhere else lol
ok now im just waiting for the lights to turn on, but i can tell right away that they ae back to their old (horny) selves as im sitting there watching a rainbowfish **** and the sand really brings out there colors so much more, not to mention that since they were in the tub for so long it made them all white (cept the talking catfish lol helikes darkness) so, there happt im happy lol

onto the plants, when i was filling up the water as son as the lights were on the plants started to bubble which i thought was wierd :blink: i also attach the tubing to the reactor so hopefully will see Co2 in a moment.

clownfish parameters are fine now but im waiting on the good folks at the marine section to help me decide whether to get one of the fish now or keeping waiting.

zoas have increasd to 5.5 as theres one that is halfway open literally lol
thats all for now pics soon
ok lol the moment (hopefully) youve been waiting for... PICS!!

the tubs we used for transport at the beggining

the clownies in there what we thought was good transport set-up

the clownfish when we got here

my fish when we got here

the tanks in there boxes, the open one is the 20 gallon cuz my dad coudlnt wait

the 'black hole' lol, this is where they'll go :shifty:

clownfish test results: ph




clowns in their newish home

one of the only two CUC survivors, the other is one of those little black ones

the remanants of the coral




full freshwater set-up


the electronics lol

side tank shot

one of the home grown swords


argentinian swords

chain swords

one of the original amazons, god are they ugly lol hopefully the co2 and doses should fix that

mo chain swords

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