tank 1: now changed to 65 gallon
2 clowns
2 bangaii
2 firefish
1 longnose hawkfish
1 tail-spot blenny
1 long-finned fairywrasse
1 flame angel
disk coral
blue xenia
green bubble coral
bubble coral
candy cane
kenya tree
favia/brain coral
cup coral
hammer coral
and more...
tank 2: 55 gallons freshwater planted
6 bosemani rainbows
5 gold barbs (puntius semifaciolatus)
1 stripped raphael catfish
6 sterbai cories
6 redline torpedo barbs
5 neon rainbows
3 south american leaf fish
tell me what you think //// to be honest, the only one that might happen now is the third tank which im shooting for, the salt tank is going to take a while until my dad can be willing to part with the 2400$ to get everything needed for it/// go figure tank 3 didnt happen, im not in the least bit happy with president dad, as usual he makes too many promises and ends up fufilling nothing
edit 12/25/2010
tank 1: now changed to 75 gallon tank
2 clowns
2 bangaii
1 firefish
1 longnose hawkfish
1 tail-spot blenny
1 long-finned fairywrasse
1 flame angel
1 mandarin goby
1 powder brown tang
1 black cap jawfish
tank 2:
6 Celebes half beak
6 Silver hatchets
6 Boesemani rainbows
1 Stripped Raphael catfish
3 Angelicus / kubotai botia loach
3 Giant Whiptail catfish (sturisoma aureum)
3 Rineloricaria parva cat
6 Oto
4 gold barbs
6 praecox rainbows
as for the other tanks, ill need to have something to do when im an adult now wont i? with no restrictions and (hopefully) enough income ill have my fun
2 clowns
2 bangaii
2 firefish
1 longnose hawkfish
1 tail-spot blenny
1 long-finned fairywrasse
1 flame angel
disk coral
blue xenia
green bubble coral
bubble coral
candy cane
kenya tree
favia/brain coral
cup coral
hammer coral
and more...
tank 2: 55 gallons freshwater planted
6 bosemani rainbows
5 gold barbs (puntius semifaciolatus)
1 stripped raphael catfish
6 sterbai cories
6 redline torpedo barbs
5 neon rainbows
3 south american leaf fish
tell me what you think //// to be honest, the only one that might happen now is the third tank which im shooting for, the salt tank is going to take a while until my dad can be willing to part with the 2400$ to get everything needed for it/// go figure tank 3 didnt happen, im not in the least bit happy with president dad, as usual he makes too many promises and ends up fufilling nothing
edit 12/25/2010
tank 1: now changed to 75 gallon tank
2 clowns
2 bangaii
1 firefish
1 longnose hawkfish
1 tail-spot blenny
1 long-finned fairywrasse
1 flame angel
1 mandarin goby
1 powder brown tang
1 black cap jawfish
tank 2:
6 Celebes half beak
6 Silver hatchets
6 Boesemani rainbows
1 Stripped Raphael catfish
3 Angelicus / kubotai botia loach
3 Giant Whiptail catfish (sturisoma aureum)
3 Rineloricaria parva cat
6 Oto
4 gold barbs
6 praecox rainbows
as for the other tanks, ill need to have something to do when im an adult now wont i? with no restrictions and (hopefully) enough income ill have my fun