Future Plans

I have a senegal and 2 palmas birchirs with my rays and there fine. The propblem you will have with your dats is if you have lots of plants and wood in your tank you wont see them they will just hide all the time. My tank is bare so they try to hide behind the externals and filter pipes although since I added more fish they are out and about more. Catfish are cool that tank is 96x32x31 412 usg.
ur right, i wont be able to take care of the tank even if i do get it. so instead of picking up the 75 , i might as well go with something a little larger and keep it at the house. 120 seems perfect to me.

Same stock--
5x dats
1x bichir
and possibly something else
like maybe a large catfish.

o and mark i wasnt thinking of keeping the tank planted. I was thinking like make a small territory for the bichir with rocks, (maybe 1 large piece of bogwood) and
caves. And within that area 3-4 plants. (not big ones just small - medium size)

so looks like i should go and try to find a 120.

thx for the help
i was surfing around the net and i think i might have found a decent price:

$800 (not including shipping) for a 120 gallon tank and hood (2x to fit the tank)
The good part is that its acrylic.

The stand is $1500 ... if anyone knows a cheap place for stands (in the US), ill rly appreciate it.

so for the tank, hood, and stand its $2300 ... is this a good price??

it seems reasonable, and something that i can afford with my parents chiping in, as they are also aquraium lovers (ofcourse to an extent lol.)

again if anyone has any websites or maybe even places on the east coast of the United States where i can get cheap tanks/stand/hood it wud help me out alot.

yup thats the site.

dats are Datniodes which ... also referred as Siamese Tigerfish
Couple options:
Glass Tank:
135 Gal.
72 x 18 x 24" Tall
Total (tank+stand+canopy+shipping) = $1225

Glass Tank:
125 Gal.
60x18x24" Tall
Total (tank+stand+canopy+shipping) = $1220

Acrylic Tank:
125 Gal.
60x18x24" Tall
Total(tank+stand+canopy+shipping) = $2300
(shipping is free -- ground residential, takes about 4 business days)

Acrylic Tank:
125 Gal.
72x18x20" Tall
Total(tank+stand+canopy) = $2,250
(not including shipping)

this is just for me for reference lol. o and if someone can suggest if i should rather go for the glass or acrylic.
anyone know any other good sites?
You will pay more for acrylic and it is very easy to scratch it I would stick with glass mate. For your reference I have a 96x32x32 tanks stand and hood and I paid £1050 which works out to be $2079 but thats here in the UK but I did think tanks were cheaper out there.
You will pay more for acrylic and it is very easy to scratch it I would stick with glass mate. For your reference I have a 96x32x32 tanks stand and hood and I paid £1050 which works out to be $2079 but thats here in the UK but I did think tanks were cheaper out there.
I thought they were less too. You see so many people saying they got a complete nano marine set-up for a cheap-as-chips price so I would have assumed it would have been the same with bigger tanks too. I think you should shop arround more TBH, I think that may be abit much...
k, ill shop around a bit more.

and mark i think i might as well go with glass.
o and ye the tanks are cheap around here ... like a nano would cost nothing.
The thing which rly shoots the price up is the stand and canopy, but most of all shipping.

you guys probaly dont have $500 of shipping since ur all so compact. over here the shipping for the tanks is $400-600.
Welcome to the forum. Im also new to the forum ,but not to the hobby. Ive been with this hobby for 4-5 years.
A great tank site that also sells stands and canopies is glascages.com in the U.S. They are very very cheap compared to other sites.

ye i was actually looking at 2 of the 4 tanks from there. The 1st option (glass) 2nd option (glass) and the 3rd option (acrylic) were from the site.
As far as picking up from shows nearby ... the nearest is 1 hr 50 min in PA which rly isnt to bad.
Thx for the information ;)
O. No problem. Ever since I have found that site I have been telling everybody about it.

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