Loads of protein and you can put at least one egg per serving in....
Prepare your eggs,1 per person, mix them up with a fork and add black pepper to taste.
Add your salt to the pasta water,but always just as it comes to the boil or you'll lose its flavour.
Grate some pecorino or parmesan or use the plastic stuff you get pre-packaged
(I'd advise parmesan and lots of it, it'll hide the eggy taste...)
Again add the amount you think is going to taste best, you can't really have too little and you'd need a ridiculous amount to have too much.
Fry some diced bacon/pancetta/proscuttio preferably in oil and then add a little butter just as it gets to your desired colour
At the same time as:
Boiling your pasta (home made with a little nutmeg does wonders for the sauce)
Take your bacon pan off the heat
Pour the pasta (minus water ) into the bacon pan chuck your cheese first then your eggs in stir like crazy until it begins to thicken, when it runs thick or your pasta becomes pasted together with sauce stick it straight (you'll end up with scrambled egg and bacon pasta otherwise) onto a HOT plate.
Its not as easy as it sounds but after two trys you should have it down to an art, i find transferring the pan on and off the still hot cooking ring speeds up the process and once you've got the knack, you'll be able to judge by eye when to move it on and off, but make sure you don't undercook or you'll end up poisoning everyone.....
cheap, tasty and with a bit of patience dead easy.
Home made pasta has eggs in although a minimal amount, or even home made carbonara?On a similar topic, has anyone got any sneaky ways of getting them to eat eggs? I'm making pancakes almost every day to make sure she's getting them, but she just refuses anything else. Even the novelty of collecting them from her grandads eglu hasn't convinced her. And now she's developed an aversion to anything fried, (except the pancakes, and thats only a matter of time!), so even eggy breads out of the question
Loads of protein and you can put at least one egg per serving in....
Prepare your eggs,1 per person, mix them up with a fork and add black pepper to taste.
Add your salt to the pasta water,but always just as it comes to the boil or you'll lose its flavour.
Grate some pecorino or parmesan or use the plastic stuff you get pre-packaged
(I'd advise parmesan and lots of it, it'll hide the eggy taste...)
Again add the amount you think is going to taste best, you can't really have too little and you'd need a ridiculous amount to have too much.
Fry some diced bacon/pancetta/proscuttio preferably in oil and then add a little butter just as it gets to your desired colour
At the same time as:
Boiling your pasta (home made with a little nutmeg does wonders for the sauce)
Take your bacon pan off the heat
Pour the pasta (minus water ) into the bacon pan chuck your cheese first then your eggs in stir like crazy until it begins to thicken, when it runs thick or your pasta becomes pasted together with sauce stick it straight (you'll end up with scrambled egg and bacon pasta otherwise) onto a HOT plate.
Its not as easy as it sounds but after two trys you should have it down to an art, i find transferring the pan on and off the still hot cooking ring speeds up the process and once you've got the knack, you'll be able to judge by eye when to move it on and off, but make sure you don't undercook or you'll end up poisoning everyone.....
cheap, tasty and with a bit of patience dead easy.