Fussy Eater


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Worcester, UK
Hi all,

For the last year or so I've been trying to vary my (now) 8" sailfin plecs diet. I've tried romaine leattuce, iceberg leattuce, carrot, cucumber and courgette. He won't touch anything but algae wafers.

Has anyone got any ideas what I could be doing wrong with any of the above or what else I could try?

How long are you leaving these foods in the tank for and are you using anything to weight them down?

Cucumber i only leave for 24 hours. The leattuce about a day and a half. I use plant weight to weigh them down

Pleco's don't seem to go for lettuce so much (it also contains very little nutritional value, so there is a great deal of point in feeding it either way). But the sailfin should eat the cucumber- perhaps you could try slicing it differently, so you slice it it in half down the middle instead of into small round slices? Also try feeding the pleco some cooked and de-shelled king size or large tiger prawns every now and then, most sailfins can't resist them and they are a good way to get some protein into the growing sailfins diet :good: .
Is there any algae in the tank at the moment? Putting the food in at night after the lights have been turned off rather than during the day will also help encourage it to eat its food since sailfins are quite nocturnal fish :thumbs: .
My Brown Bristlenose loves Courgette where the gold doesnt touch anything bar algae wafers.
Sorry for not replying sooner guys i've been away since yesterday. I'll try him on the cucumber again thanks Lisa and cut it length ways for him and see what he makes of it.

I'll let you know the results

Also now you mention it there is very little algae in the tank :blink:
Ok all, just a quick update. Left some cucumber cut in 1/2 in the tank last night and he seems to have eaten some :- ) although that could have been the gouramis or the corys who also seem to be having great fun with it.

Thanks for the help :thanks:

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