Funny, Well It Is For Me!

yes they do have fins like that, in fact in fairness they do look like that one quite a bit, exception being the orange tint to the belly mine have (might just be breeding colours though?) - and a touch of shiny blue colour on top fins (again breeding colours?)

i still think mine have a slightly more parrot like head, but i guess thats quite debatable, borrowing a digi cam at weekend

i have mine in a tank full of bogwood (67 gallon) and with the tannins from the wood, the fish look stunning

Yup thats the females that have the orange belly the same as pink con females.

How are they doing as im assuming your ph is low with all the tannins?Cons dont tend to do so well in lower ph although they are pretty adaptable.
well i am in London, normal pH is about 7.8

mate, no matter how much i stack tank with bog wood / mopani (old or new) and no matter how much tannins i get, pH never gone below 7.5 going by the kits and thats weekly or fortnightly tests

I think its coz of my General and Carbonate Hardness is so high, its acts a "buffer" if i am correct?

Cant remember the exact readings but i think my GH was about 18 and KH 14 last imte i checked
Thats really good then, I have the opposite up here in Scotland, my waters really soft acidic and I need to add crushed coral to all my tanks just to keep it above 7.0.

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