Funny Photos

I found this so funny 1st time i saw it
Some really funny pics.
See the cat got one over the dog, the cat got the big basket.

i have to say, though, that i'm with Wilder: that one with the cat in the dog basket and the dog in the cat basket is priceless :lol:

(psst, squid, thanks for the stormtrooper jpeg. it'll go nicely on my Kinetics professor's board :shifty:)
not so much funny as cute
Jack is very clingy towards my other half
I think he was trying to help him do some geek stuff here


  • jacknkeith.JPG
    66.2 KB · Views: 79
:lol: I see my cat isn't the only one that does that laptop thing then. That's a very cute photo :fun:

My cat sometimes pins my arms down too by casually slinking across them, rolling onto his back and coyly looking into my eyes - saying "me me me!!"
A different kind of funny - not funny kinda funny


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