Fungussy Gourami

It is your choice. Give the med abit longer. If no improvement in a few days I would then think about changing meds. Good Luck.

Myxazin also treats fungus.
Latest on "Bumpy." (That's the name my granddaughter gave him :rolleyes: ".

Today he has lost the fungussy growth and just has a rather sore looking wound over his eye after the fungus melted away. I'm hoping that the meds in the water will prevent any other infection from getting a hold before this heals up, if indeed it does.

This is now day six of the Protozin treatment, I'm not going to do any water change for a few days to allow the Protozin in the water to keep working. After I've done maybe a 50% water change and a day or two of running with carbon in the filter, I'll add some of the Waterlife general tonic stuff, whose name I've forgotten now. the one with the mild anti bacterial effect.

Here are the pics I took of my sorry wee Bumpy today, he's still eating and behaving normally so hopefully he's on the mend.


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Bless Him.
Thank you for the update.

You could always half dose some melafix instead of the tonic med. Never had much faith in tonic medications.
I don't think waterlife do a tonic medication. I think I once bought an interpet tonic medication. Until I learned they were not very good.
Bless Him.
Thank you for the update.

You could always half dose some melafix instead of the tonic med. Never had much faith in tonic medications.
I don't think waterlife do a tonic medication. I think once used an interpet tonic medication. Until I learned they were not very good.

Thanks Wilder, Melafix was the one I was thinking of............. just couldn't remember the name.
Another thought occurring (oh the mystery of it all....!!) is: when a fish is injured like this, is it best to get him out and treat with something brushed on so the whole tank chemistry isn't upset by adding meds? Or is that something too stressful? I think from what I've read that dwarf gouramis are easily stressed. perhaps it would have been better to isolate him and treat him on his own. But again that would mean fishing him out and might have stressed him.

Perhaps if the sky fell on him...........
Here some information for you.

Fungal Infections


Fungal infections can be differentiated from other infestations because white, gray or brown cotton-like growths can be seen on the fish.


Healthy fish are not affected by fungi, but succumb following an injury to the skin. Fungal infections are caused by various species of Fungi, such as Saprolegnia and Achlya.


The most important thing to do is return water quality to optimal levels. Since fungal infections are not contagious to otherwise healthy fish, treating only the infected fish is recommended. Treatment should include dabbing the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in Methylene Blue. Use caution in the fish�s eye area because Methylene Blue can cause permanent damage if applied directly. If the eye is infected, or the fish is small, a dip is preferable. Prepare a bucket using fresh, dechlorinated water of the same temperature and pH as the water in the aquarium. Add one drop of Methylene Blue for each gallon of water and place the fish in it for ten to twenty minutes. Dips may be repeated up to two times a day until symptoms have subsided. If several fish are affected, treat the entire tank with Methylene Blue, Fungus Eliminator, Fungus Guard, or Fungus Cure.
Thanks again Wilder for this information.

So ideally I should have given him a methylene blue bath twice a day. I remember methylene blue being recommended for all sorts of fish ailments way back in the early 70's.Our local pet shop never had any in those days but I expect nowadays it would be a lot easier.

I'll need to make it up somehow to the other guys in the tank for subjecting them to Bumpy's treatment. :/

When I was checking him out this afternoon, day 7 of treatment, I could barely see by eye any difference between the two healthy gouramis and Bumpy. I think I'll start the water change and carbon filter the day after tomorrow now. And Melafix two days after. Fingers crossed Bumpy will make it till then OK, he's doing well though at the moment. He's out and about more in the main part of the tank and being harassed less frequently too. :rolleyes:
I wish I had posted the fungus information earlier.

How is the fish. Is he still improving?
I wish I had posted the fungus information earlier.

How is the fish. Is he still improving?

Yes he's still coming on The wound that was left behind looks cleaner now too and some signs that new scales may be forming.. The harassment he's getting seems rather half-hearted in comparison to how it was so maybe the boss gourami thinks he's less of a weakling too.

I'm thinking I might go ahead with first water change and carbon later today. Got some Melafix and some Myxazin so I'm armed in advance for any future problems. No methylene blue at Dobbies though.

Fuzzy pic taken today attached.


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Do a search on the melafix, i remember reading somewhere that it is not good for gouramis labriynth. I used half doses on mine and it seemed to help (infected looking wound beside tail)

Cant say if it harmed my fish or not tho he acts normal
I agree. Not all fish tolerate melafix, so it's best to only half dose just in case.
I would rather use myxazin by waterlife.

He does look a lot better. Thank you for the update.
Thanks for the info Zenki, I'll have a look at that. I imagined Melafix to be a fairly mild treatment but then so are many things which could harm wee fishes. I'll make sure though.

PS what do you mean by labyrinth?

Ok checked that out, you guys are a wealth of information. yes so Gouramis are labyrinth fish. Another fact stashed away.........
I think the next few days will tell one way or the other Wilder. If he's looking well enough after the water change and Carbon filter, perhaps I'll think again about further treatment.

Flexibility is always worthwhile but then again indecision is a killer. Can't decide which I have. :crazy:
Thanks for the info Zenki, I'll have a look at that. I imagined Melafix to be a fairly mild treatment but then so are many things which could harm wee fishes. I'll make sure though.

Ok checked that out, you guys are a wealth of information. Yes so Gouramis are labyrinth fish. Melafix isn't good for Bettas or other labyrinth fish like gouramis. Bettafix is specifically made for labyrinth fish Anyone want some unopened Melafix? Another fact stashed away.........

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