Well, the fry tank is one of those small acrylic floating tanks. I pierced some holes (lots of them) in the side wall for water movement from the big tank. Anyways, the little ones are in a separate setup now. I took the small acrylic tank out of the big tank. I might move the tetras in a quarantine 5 gallon tank (or 10, I don't remember) for the time being and use one of my HOB filters. I will do that tomorrow. I did not want to move the fish into a new tank, so I don't stress them even more by moving them out of their original tank. I did that before (with other fish), and the fish seemed not to do well in the quarantine tank.
SHOULD I use the Maracyn in the big tank and not move the black skirts?
SHOULD I buy a water sterilizer (UV)?