Fundulopanchax In Community Tank?


New Member
Feb 18, 2005
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i have seen a few eggs for these on ebay (hmmm i bet you are all thinking) but was wondering how there would do in a community tank of a few angles, loach, black ghost knife edge and some danios, the smallest being the danios at about an inch and the largest being the knife edge (who will need a new home soon if anyone is intrested pm me) at around 6 inches im gessing in a 125 leter tank.

any ideas if they would go???

thank you in advance darv

(ps im in cambridge uk if intrested in the knife edge, shame to let go but it him or the loach but the loach is going to be harder to move on as it were)
i have seen a few eggs for these on ebay (hmmm i bet you are all thinking) but was wondering how there would do in a community tank of a few angles, loach, black ghost knife edge and some danios, the smallest being the danios at about an inch and the largest being the knife edge (who will need a new home soon if anyone is intrested pm me) at around 6 inches im gessing in a 125 leter tank.

any ideas if they would go???

thank you in advance darv

(ps im in cambridge uk if intrested in the knife edge, shame to let go but it him or the loach but the loach is going to be harder to move on as it were)

I've occassionaly put spare Gardneri into my community tank with no problems, although I don't have any knife fish but I do have some gouramis's. But I had no problems with them, although nowadays I have them retiring with the cory's and a female betta, and once again no problem even though one of them is a male Gardneri (fully coloured).
sounds kewl, i have been told many times oer that the knife edge is a funny dish as it tends to "nip fins" and havent found this with mine and my angels oo and my butterflt (thet i forgot to include) soz.
Fundulopanchax gulare or gularis is very aggressive and your danios might be at risk. I would always advocate killifish such as this species to a seperate species tank, where you can monitor everything from water quality to breeding habits with no outside influences. If there is any doubt in an aquarists mind that any harm will befall other tank inhabitants or the species in question as a result of his or her actions then refrain entirely from trying to accomodate the gularis.
P.S. If you are thinking of rearing from eggs you might get a skewed sex ratio in favour of males or females. Males of this species do not tolerate one another readily, especially in confined spaces.
Fundulopanchax gulare or gularis is very aggressive and your danios might be at risk. I would always advocate killifish such as this species to a seperate species tank, where you can monitor everything from water quality to breeding habits with no outside influences. If there is any doubt in an aquarists mind that any harm will befall other tank inhabitants or the species in question as a result of his or her actions then refrain entirely from trying to accomodate the gularis.
P.S. If you are thinking of rearing from eggs you might get a skewed sex ratio in favour of males or females. Males of this species do not tolerate one another readily, especially in confined spaces.

I agree completely, within 5 minutes of being in a tank with other fish (small tetras, not mine) one of my young male gardneri bit the eye out of a neon tetra :/
Killis are better kept in species tank IMO, if a fish cannot eat the killi, the killi will probably attack it :p
if a fish cannot eat the killi, the killi will probably attack it
This statement cannot be applied to all Killifish species. Each has their own individual requirements.
Sorry, I guess that was a little too broad :lol:
I've only kept two different species so far, and both are very aggressive :p

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