Where did you get that info, and how many kilograms is 101 pounds?
Old fashioned laws that never got removed when the legal system was amended.
There are laws about not tying/ hitching your horse to a milk cart, or any sort of sign, pole or motor vehicle.
There's a place in Alaska I think, where it's illegal to go outside without a gun coz the polar bears might get you.
There's a couple of laws about keeping dogs here that are antiquated and completely outrageous, I just can't think of them now. There was one where you could shoot your own dog and your neighbours dog if they were causing problems to livestock on your property. Our gun laws are so tight now most people can't get a gun, and if you shoot a dog, you get charged by the RSPCA and the council for animal cruelty.
There was a law in the US that said politicians could get a free bucket of spuds (or something like that) each week, that was a long time ago. It was intended to make sure the leaders had enough food to remain healthy and be able to govern the country.
Some of the laws are just ridiculous, the King or Queen of England can have your head cut off for not doing as your told. I doubt Queen Elizabeth would do anything like that coz she is GREAT (yes I like her), but Queen Victoria used that law a lot.