full tank pics


James flexton
Jun 29, 2004
Reaction score
Stotfold, Bedfordshire, UK
Hi Everyone, been playing with my camera again:

Rekord 60

Rio 180
Wow what a question, here goes.

Juwel Rio 180 (40G) planted

- 6 Zebra Danio
- 1 Celebes Rainbow
- 10 Cardinal Tetras
- 3 Boesmani Rainbow
- 2 Red Claw Crabs
- 3 Sterbae Cory
- 1 Common Plec
- 1 Bala Shark
- 1 Swordtail
- 1 Flying Fox
- 1 Angelfish
lots of bogwood with 45 Java Fern plantlets
Water Sprite, Amazon Sword, Vallis, 2 Anubias Nana (1 flowering), micro Sword, Synchonium Red and a few unidentified plants, Hagen CO2 (x3), 3WPG

Juwel Rekord 60 (12G planted)

- 10 White Cloud Mountain Minnows
- 6 Glowlight Tetras
- 3 Serpae Tetras
- 4 Guppy fry
- 1 common plec
- 1 Amano Shrimp
- Java Moss
- Mother plant Java Fern
- 6 Echinodoros Bleheri
- 2 Althernanthera Cardinals
- 1 Anubias Nana
- 1 Synchonium Red
- 1 Iresine Herbistii
- Riccia Fluitians
(Bogwood, Co2, 3WPG)

both just use the original Juwel Filter plus a big bag of Rowaphos (great stuff)
wow, amazing tanks, Im fascinated by your plants, how much care do they need? whats the small grasslike stuff at the front?
thanks everyone,

to answer a few questions Rowaphos is phosphate remover (granules you pour into a filter "sock" thingy and chuck it on top of your existing filter) it absorbes huge quantities of phosphate hence, no algae.. it's not cheap but well worth it.

as to the plant in the front it's Riccia, a japanese floating plant. you have to weave it through a mesh and weigh it down to make a lawn. really nice stuff but needs loads of light and CO2.

close up

as to care about 2 hours on each tank at the weekend (shouldn't take that long but i dont exactly rush) and end up with an arm in the tank fiddling with something or other every night.
jimbooo, those are awsome pics :drool: I'd love to have such beautiful planted tanks. It's inspired me to put some extra effort in. Thanks !
Very nice tanks!

How about some carpeting plants right at the front of the 180? ;)

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