

New Member
Oct 7, 2012
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This is going to be my....erm....journal of sorts for my fry adventures. Hope you guys don't mind :) It won't be anything special.

I have two tanks dedicated to the parent fish and one tank dedicated to rearing the fry. The first tank is a 10 Gal and has regular Fancy Guppies in it. Nothing special, just the normal pet store kind. I had a drop of fry about two months ago. Of the drop, only four survived (the tank I moved them to got contaminated somehow and killed all the little ones mostly). My second tank is a 35 Gal and has Mollies of all sorts in it (mostly marble and creamsicle sailfin lyretails, but a few silver lyre tails, a gold dust, and a sold black regular molly). I had a drop not too long ago (forgot to write down the date). All babies are black since at the time the only Mollies in there were the Black and Marble. My third tank is my baby fish tank. It's where the fry I've mentioned just now are living. All quite peacefully, too.

The baby Guppies are starting to show more color in their tails. I'm pretty sure at least two of them are Males. As for the Mollies, all are still rather small. All fry are swimming around quite well and appear to be very healthy.

Expect more updates in the future. Maybe even pictures!

PS - If ever interested in the fry and you're in the Roswell, GA area, feel free to PM me! I'm always looking for new parents for the little ones.
Thats awesome! :) I have a molly that I think is pregnant and going to give birth soon..hard to tell since she is a marble lol
Awesome!!! We just got back to having any tanks after a few years away from the hobby,and are on our second go round with fry with our marbled mollies (pretty sure one was pregent at the time of purchase ;) ). Weird thing is (and I watched the birthing this time) only getting 1-5 fry per pregnancy...
We are breeding Mollys and Guppies too, one of my guppies gave birth 2 days ago and so far i have fished 12 fry out of the tank (i have seen 2 more in there but they dont want to be caught), then i have 7 fry from a month ago that are all female and i have 5 molly fry (dalmations).

I love having fry.
I love black mollies! :D

They are so hard to find here. Whenever I find them they are sickly and skinny looking. Odd coincidence probably.

Congrats on your fry :) Guppies are always so fun to see what colours they get!
i have had mollie fry for about a week now how long should i wait to put them in the adult tank ??
I usually wait until they are at least 1.5/2cm so the adults won't think they are food! :)

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