

Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Somerset (UK)
Hiya Guys
My female kingsizei mated two weeks ago and I now have 19 fry! They are tiny and still have huge egg sacs attached.

These are the first in my tank to mate and my other female looks ready to explode to so I am so chuffed at the moment. I just hope I dont loose any of them.

I will add pictures hopefully tomorrow.
here they are...

Yeah Mine were the same. I had no breeding going on for about 6 months or so and now it is all hitting off...I have apple snail clutch on my tank and also the malawis are getting frisky!
i had my f1 red empress's breeding :).

but i didnt even know it lol.

i onlynoticed when i seen 8 mini empress's swimming around in the tank, but i had to go to work and by the time i got back they were gone :(
good job :good:

it seems all fish are breeding apart from mine :p

mine tooo. I have 4 lab's, 1m/3f and they havent bred( bought them in Jan.). So, last month i bought 4 more( smaller) and am growing up in a 20G before putting them in. My pair of Bristlenoses won't breed either. But my guppies are.
Congrats with the fry!

I hope my Cichlids breed soon!

Thanks guys! :good:
My fry are doing well and their egg sacs are shrinking almost as I watch!

Checked my other female yesturday and she is loaded with eggs in her mouth so will have more on the way!!! :lol:

My male is looking quite fustrated now as he has no more females to impregnant!

My Hongis and yellow labs also look jiggy although the hongi females are alot smaller than the male and so I dont know if that will work or not...
now your just rubbing it in :lol:

how so quick ?, am lucky 2 get 1 brood per year :p

Sorry I am just so excited as I havent had alot of luck with some of my fish as I needed to get the numbers right.

How so quick???? Dont tell anyone else but I use...shhhhhh........females...... :lol:

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