
Hmmm...what kind of water troubles? What else do you have in the tank (fish)? Guppies don't really need salt. When you say "they want me to put salt in ther every two weeks", do you mean your LFS? When I worked at a fish store, aquarium salt was one of the things that we were instructed to try and throw in with every purchase just to make an extra buck or two on poor unsuspecting customers. Don't get me wrong, aquarium salt has it's merits in some situations but I just wanted to make sure that this is the case with you.

Congrats on the newly found fry!
Hmmm...what kind of water troubles? What else do you have in the tank (fish)? Guppies don't really need salt. When you say "they want me to put salt in ther every two weeks", do you mean your LFS? When I worked at a fish store, aquarium salt was one of the things that we were instructed to try and throw in with every purchase just to make an extra buck or two on poor unsuspecting customers. Don't get me wrong, aquarium salt has it's merits in some situations but I just wanted to make sure that this is the case with you.

Congrats on the newly found fry!
thanks! they was one in the gravel and another under a castle in the tank.
we had high nitrite and ph, algae growth (major) and bacteria from a dead fish killed all but two which i had from the beginning.
3 platys
3 guppies
8 fry (guppies)
LFS wants me to put it in
so you are saying i shouldn't add more salt? if i did, would it affect the fry?
theres no need to be adding salt with the fish you are keeping, salt is sometimes good when used as a meds (doing a salt dip with bloat etc)
we had high nitrite and ph, algae growth (major) and bacteria from a dead fish killed all but two which i had from the beginning.
3 platys
3 guppies
8 fry (guppies)
LFS wants me to put it in
so you are saying i shouldn't add more salt? if i did, would it affect the fry?

I suspect that the high Nitrite is why the LFS told you to add it. Salt will reduce the effect of high Nitrite on your slows down their absorption of it. If your Nitrite is now under control, I would discontinue use. If you've already added it, it shouldn't be a real problem for the fry or the rest of your fish but I wouldn't add anymore.
Thanks. i am stopping the salt in the tank. the fry are getting bigger every day!
when born
my mom can't believ how big they are getting!
congrats! I have been away for a week came home today and counted my mollies to make sure they are all there, and there are about 4 or 5 fry in there as well! I have a net on the bottom of the filter so they dont get sucked in but one little blighter has just managed to disapper in the top of the filter :unsure: where the wire goes in and he must be a goner I cant work out how to get at him! sorry fry!
guppy just had some more last night aved six. total=17. just bought separate tank for them. 5 gallons, just so they can grow in.
while transferring fry to another tank, found another. they are in a 2.5 gallon tank. does anyone know when you can tell if they are male or female? they all look female to me
OOOOOHHHHH! i thought you could right when born cause they look like my females adult so i got confused :S thanks!

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