fry problem for guppies and mollies


Aug 7, 2003
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I put in powdered tropical fish food and watch them but they dont look loke there eating and one guppy died today :(
blanch some zuchini (courgette) just a small bit mind and put it in with young ones.

Another tactic is to hard boil an egg take a small amount of yolk and mash it up finely making sure the bits are really small, watch out though as it is high in protein so don't over feed with it or you will pollute your tank REALLY fast ! They may not like it either so be very cautious with how much you add.

Keep us posted and good luck with them :)
I feed my fry on brineshrimp eggs, or baby brineshrimp. They love it! (make sure you get the shell-less kind if you're gonna feed them eggs)
Interpet Liquidfry formula is excellent product for young fry, use this for 2 weeks then use crushed up flake.

:D Don't feed them anything thats bigger than the diametre of their eyes. :D
Microworms are great. My fry would not eat anything but microworms. They are really easy to grow and they reporduce quickly. If you would liek more information e-mail me at [email protected]

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