Frustrated Fishless Cycler

njnauticalnut said:
Just curious, when you say that you got a nitrite spike on Day 12, was that 3-4 weeks + 12 days? Are you counting from the day that you did the water change?

This gives me some light at the end of the tunnel, small light as then I know I will be wishing for the nitrites to decrease! ;)
I started re-counting when I did the water change. So the day after the water change was Day 1. The nitrites starting appearing 12 days after the water change... which I consider my "starting over" day.

On the original 3 weeks, I got a nitrite spike... but my ammonia wouldn't go down. :/ So the water change seemed to kick start the cycle again.

Have patience, Daniel-san. :D
panther1505 said:
I am having the same problem as you njnauticalnut. I've got my ammonia level around 5ppm, 0ppm nitrite. It's been 11 days now since I started fishless cycling.
Nobody told me to raise the temp in my tank. I have the temp at a constant 80 degrees F.

I think I will raise it to about 86.


Should I keep adding the daily dose of ammonia, even though I'm going to raise the temp in the tank?

Should I keep to the fishless cycling procedures?
Keep adding the ammonia until I see a nitrite spike, then cut the dose in half until the ammonia level and nitrite level go down to 0ppm.
Test for nitrates, make a 50% water change. Then add fish?

Does that sound right?
Yes, keep doing everything the same just increase the temp and oxygen level.

Remember to decrease the temp before adding fish :)
Yes, thank you. I will decrease the temp before adding fish.
I raised the temp to 86 last night. I will keep doing what I'm doing.

I've been getting conflicting opinions about redtailed black sharks.

Some say that I will not be able to keep RTBS with Cory Cats and Khuli loaches, but then on the other side, some are saying the total opposite. Their RTBS get along fine with their Cories and Khuli's.

May I please get some other peoples opinions?
panther1505 said:
Yes, thank you. I will decrease the temp before adding fish.
I raised the temp to 86 last night. I will keep doing what I'm doing.

I've been getting conflicting opinions about redtailed black sharks.

Some say that I will not be able to keep RTBS with Cory Cats and Khuli loaches, but then on the other side, some are saying the total opposite. Their RTBS get along fine with their Cories and Khuli's.

May I please get some other peoples opinions?
Its hard to say. You could get a RTBS that won't bother a soul in your tank, or it may kill everything. All fish have their own personalities just like people do. The only way to really know is to try. I would add the cories first then the RTBS if you do try.
My tank temp was reading about 80 so I raised it further. Today the amonia was off the chart, so it is well beyond 7ppm. Nitrites = 0. So no matter how high the amonia gets, I should still add amonia?

Over the weekend I will do a water change (as yes, luxum, it will make me feel like I am doing something :D ) Plus this way I can monitor the amonia better as I will be able to read it on the chart.

I am afraid to assume anything :p, but I assume that once I get the amonia down to a readable level and continue adding amonia daily, if it stays at 5ppm and does not get higher then there is bacteria in there working its magic, however if the amonia gets higher and higher then there is no bacteria yet. Is this a true assumption.

I am currently back in school after 20 years getting my MBA, maybe I should add a chemistry course! :lol:

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