Frozen BBS

Hi cation :)

Sometimes it's a good thing to remember that the purpose of participating on a forum, such as TFF, is to learn as well as to teach. Keeping any kind of fish is an art as well as a science. There is a lot we can learn from each other even if we do not have an interest in the same kind of fish.:thumbs:

Certain facts are pretty much universal and when it comes to feeding fry (and baby anything, for that matter.) Everyone knows that the nutrition they receive in their earliest days will impact on their strength and development for their entire lives. I doubt that anyone will speak in favor of skimping on food for them.

IMHO, blindly following anyone's advice is risky. We learn and advance the hobby by questioning and investigating, as well as gathering information from those with experience. And as with any living creature, there is seldom one single way that is always right, all the time, for everyone.

The question you posed at the beginning of this thread is a valid one and IMO it has still not been entirely answered. It is one thing to know that it is the oil in the young brine shrimp that has the needed nutrition for young fry, but it still hasn't been determined whether this oil is present in the frozen product. If they are frozen quickly after hatching, wouldn't the nutrition still be the same as newly hatched live ones?

To this end, I phoned Hikari this morning but found out their office is closed on Fridays. We will have to wait until Monday to find out any information about how their brine shrimp are hatched and processed, but I'll make it a point to follow through and call then. :D
yeah I have a half gallon I place them in just to eat live foods. After a while of doing this, once I release them into this container they know it's time for live feeding and they get really excited. It's a good way to keep your tanks clean, and not having to change the water after every live feeding, since it's the safest to keep live food out of their homes.. just because of debris.. can cause bactera and infection. I know velvet can be caused by this.. I've heard it from bettatalk, and I take their word.
Inchworm said:
Hi cation :)

Sometimes it's a good thing to remember that the purpose of participating on a forum, such as TFF, is to learn as well as to teach. Keeping any kind of fish is an art as well as a science. There is a lot we can learn from each other even if we do not have an interest in the same kind of fish.:thumbs:

IMHO, blindly following anyone's advice is risky. We learn and advance the hobby by questioning and investigating, as well as gathering information from those with experience. And as with any living creature, there is seldom one single way that is always right, all the time, for everyone.
Inchworm -

Could you please clarify where I indicate that I'm not interested in learning, or where I blindly follow anyone's advice? Not to be rude, but I am truly curious, because I certainly do come here for advice and to learn and discuss things.

If you are referring to my response to fisherman, I don't know what to tell you. I am tired of the way he presents everything as "if you don't do it the way I say, you are doing it wrong." I find it insulting. I certainly will defend his right to say it, but I'm not going to agree with it. People do things successfully in many different ways - that was my reason for using Marianne as an example. She raises beautiful, healthy, prizewinning fish and does not use bbs. I am not following her advice blindly - not at all, actually - just pointing out that it can be done successfully without bbs.
Before any 'results' come in, I'm going to peer into my crystal ball. Hmmm, it tells me that Hikari will in no way say that anything is better than their product :look:

Not knocking Hikari of course. I personally support them whole heartedly and I use more of their frozen food than probably anyone on this forum. I just don't think they'll have anything ill to say of their bbs.

Point being~ frozen food is good,no doubt about it. But if I had my choice of green beans from my garden, or Green Giant frozen or canned....I'm willing to bet that those grown in my garden are more beneficial to my family. Food loses a certain something after being frozen or canned.
Inchworm said:
To this end, I phoned Hikari this morning but found out their office is closed on Fridays. We will have to wait until Monday to find out any information about how their brine shrimp are hatched and processed, but I'll make it a point to follow through and call then. :D
We've learned something already, they like long week-ends! :D

This will be interesting info to have. I'm sure with a bit of research we could find out the nutritional info on live (well, just killed) bbs too. I'm with wuv on this to an extent - I am guessing the live bbs naturally have more omegas as well as other oily goodness. However, I always love knowing the numbers.

We also must remember, it's not just the nutritional value of the food, it's also how well the food is absorbed by the fish.
cation said:
..Could you please clarify where I indicate that I'm not interested in learning, or where I blindly follow anyone's advice? Not to be rude, but I am truly curious, because I certainly do come here for advice and to learn and discuss things.
Hi cation :)

Oh no! I didn't mean to criticize you! :no: I meant my post only to support you and praise your efforts to investigate a matter that has been taken for granted. :thumbs:

I'm sorry if I did not make that perfectly clear. :*)
Sorry Inchie, so hard to tell in writing sometimes. And I am a tad defensive on occasion, so sorry for jumping the gun... :*) :crazy:
cation, I don't know why you got an attitude, but this was your fisrt post...

Is there something wrong with Hikiri Frozen BBS for fry? Why don't people use them for breeding? Help me out here folks....

I was stating the obvious about feeding fry. Most breeders know this. Yes, marianne feeds mostly MW, and doesn't like the bbs that much, because of the SBD. But...she does feed live foods, not frozen bbs to new fry.. If you don't like my opinions, don't read them. I will refrain from posting on any of your posts, since you know all there is to know about bettas and feeding them. I'm sorry if your pride was hurt. From some of the posts on this board, I assumed people would welcome any good information. But so far, if the information didn't agree with some peoples opinion, they got huffy. I haven't said your way was wrong, I stated why live foods was best.
I refrained from getting "huffy" on other thread where it certainly seemed to me you were implying I was not doing right by my bettas. I certainly don't know everything about bettas - if you do a search on my posts, you will see how often I ask questions, and for opinions.

My first question was discussing the difference between these two foods, you're correct. However, if one bothered to read the rest of my posts, one would see that my fry are receiving a varied diet, including plentiful live MW. I also agree that live foods, in most cases, are nutritionally superior. However, that doesn't mean that live foods supplemented by frozen aren't also good.

It seemed to me you were promoting bbs and bbs only. I may have misinterpreted your post, and if I did, I am truly sorry. This is not the first time I have felt my methods were personally attacked by you, but I may just be reading too much into your posts.

Despite all this, I do value your knowledge, and I can see that you have a lot of it. If you choose not to post in my threads, I won't beg you to come back - but I will say that many times I value the information contained in your posts, and that your opinions on things will be missed. I simply don't like the implication that my fish are simply alive and not thriving.
Thank You. I apoligise if I sounded that way. It was meant in general, and not at your fish. Again, I'm sorry if I implied that. It was not my intention. I have no way of knowing what your level of breeding is, and maybe I assumed you really didn't know about keeping a male in with a spawn. When you stated you was doing it mainly to see the results,I never commented anymore about it. I'll just be careful how I answer something, so noone will take it wrong. I am used to discussing spawning and feeding with advanced breeders, and my answers are a result of that. I'll try and slow down. Please..I never meant there are not advanced breeders in here. -_-
I appreciate that. I'll try to be better about not overreacting, really. In fact, I recently posted a question in my "first fry" thread that I would be curious to get your (and others) take on.

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