Frozen BBS

GuppyDude said:
i dont know if its just ABS joker, its probably not best to not feed the male anything at all untill he is removed from the spawn tank.
Im saying while there getting condition


Cation according to many breeders I have talked to

They say that live food is the best for them since they get attracted by it

Frozen foods stays still how they gonna know if its food?

CC(cutecotton) Says that when she was starting to get her fry to eat frozen foods it was hell!

But if ur fry like it go for it.... :nod:

I dindt know they made Frozen BBS... -_-

Ima have to check my petsmart.... :)

Sorry If I hijacked :*)
i prefer live myslef but the only thing i hate is useing all the salt to hatch them, it seems like a waste. do u have to use salt even?
GuppyDude said:
i prefer live myslef but the only thing i hate is useing all the salt to hatch them, it seems like a waste. do u have to use salt even?
Errr yes

BBS are Saltwater...
GuppyDude said:
i prefer live myslef but the only thing i hate is useing all the salt to hatch them, it seems like a waste. do u have to use salt even?
Supposedly some people have had success hatching them without salt...but others haven't. I haven't tried it...I buy Kosher salt at the grocery store, so it's pretty cheap (aquarium salt can get expensive).

JoKeR said:
...They say that live food is the best for them since they get attracted by it

Frozen foods stays still how they gonna know if its food?

CC(cutecotton) Says that when she was starting to get her fry to eat frozen foods it was hell!

But if ur fry like it go for it.... :nod:
It still seems like there is something wrong with the idea that fry don't want to eat food that isn't alive. :unsure:

Kossy, a former Betta Forum mod, used to feed his fry on egg yoke and recommended it whole heartedly. If his fry ate that, why wouldn't fry eat anything, live or not? Wouldn't tiny fry have some kind of survival instinct to gobble up anything that floats by their faces?

I can see where CC might have had trouble changing her fry over from live to frozen if that's what they had gotten used to, but why should it be a problem getting them to eat it if that's what they start out with? :dunno:
but why should it be a problem getting them to eat it if that's what they start out with?

Why not give them what's best for them? I'll eat a cockroach if I'm starving.
Live food is the best thing for betta fry.Period.

cation~ bbs is indeed a pain. By week 3 I'm usually standing over my hatcheries crying. It gets really tedious every day but the benefits are immense. Your fry will grow faster and be healthier if they're fed freshly hatched bbs every day. Hikari frozen is great too, I use it when I'm in a pinch because of a failed hatch or if it's going slow. But I believe that live is the best. I wouldn't go through so much trouble if I didn't ;)
wuvmybetta said:
Live food is the best thing for betta fry.Period.
Hi wuv :)

I wonder if it really is. :unsure: Does anyone know how we can find out? If we were talking about prepared foods there would be ingredients and nutritional information listed on the package, but where could we find solid information about live vs frozen?

Personally, I feed live blackworms and tubifex to my fish regularly and do not like the frozen at all because they just seem nasty in comparison. But, it seems many people think the frozen is just as good, and perhaps it is.

Why would brine shrimp be different? :dunno:
Well why don't ya go and find out :)

The way I see it is this,brine shrimp are void of all nutritional value after they're a few hours old. That's a fact. It's the oil they carry in their egg sac that is so nutritional.So by hatching them at home you can be sure that your fry are getting freshly hatched.

I suppose it's only my opinion. Mine and the other poor schmucks who suffer with hatcheries everyday.

Not to mention it costs a helluva lot less to hatch your own. When you have hundreds of mouths to feed,frozen just can't cut it.
wuvmybetta said:
Well why don't ya go and find out :)
Hi wuv :)

That's why I posted. I'm trying to find out. :nod:

To restate my question, does anyone know where we could find a comparison of the nutritional value of live vs frozen food? :unsure:
well said wuv...the bbs are the most nutrtional in the first few hours. I also enriched bbs with selco and spirulina. If the fry don't get the most nutritional foods in the first 3-4 weeks, they will be runty all their life. People can just KEEP bettas, and they stay alive, or they can care for their bettas, and they flourish. Producing HM bettas is not genetics alone. It takes a combination of genes for any betta to grow HM, but if the water and food conditions are not up to par, they will not turn out HM. Why go thru all the work to raise a spawn and only do it halfway?
f250fisherman said:
People can just KEEP bettas, and they stay alive, or they can care for their bettas, and they flourish. Producing HM bettas is not genetics alone. It takes a combination of genes for any betta to grow HM, but if the water and food conditions are not up to par, they will not turn out HM. Why go thru all the work to raise a spawn and only do it halfway?
You've said this in my threads more than once. If you don't approve of me raising them with dad, or me feeding them MW and other food then live bbs, too bad. I am getting a little tired or the implication that you do it the ONLY right way. I have done my research, and I have come across quality breeders who do not ever use bbs. Perhaps you would like their names? Then you could tell them all the things they are doing wrong with their spawns, considering it's your way or the highway. :rolleyes:

Also, obsessed with HM much? There are other kinds of bettas people want to raise and/or own. I could be happy never owning another long tail HM again. I, personally, don't think they're that great. In fact, some of them have such heavy finnage they can't swim right, which simply seems cruel to me.

Wuv, I can see that the live would be more nutritious because of the oil. Thank you for your non-judgemental answering of the question. :nod:
well once you place BBS into fresh water.. they basically die after a little bit.. they grow slower so it's a lot easier for the bettas to catch them...

I also feed my bettas live foods in a special container so they don't live in the polluted water just incase.. since it might cause velvet or other diseases..
Fisherman - You can start by educating the folks at BC Betta. I'm sure even though they won many awards at the PNWBS (and other shows, of course), Marianne would be interested in knowing that their fish aren't thriving :whistle: :

We start to feed our fry from the moment the eggs start to hatch, I am not sure if they actually eat the food this young but it just makes me feel better to put a few Microworms in the tank 2 times a day. Once the male is removed feeding really begins and you will see their little tummies white full of worms, try to avoid any dry foods at this time. We use a baby medicine eye dropper to feed and we put all the Microworms in a cup with water and give them a few drops. If at the next feed there are many worms still on the bottom we skip that feed. If they are still there the next morning siphon the old ones out before feeding fresh. At 3-4 weeks of age we grate frozen Bloodworms and Frozen Daphnia with the finest part of a cheese grater and the fry get this mixture including the Microworms. We will only use hiakri brand frozen foods as it has vitamins added and goes through a strict de contamination process for parasites before packaging. All frozen foods can carry parasites and is some thing to be very aware of. When the fry are moved to the grow out tank we like to feed as much variety as possible. One of my favorites is Osi Granules and they are easy to crush in your fingers to feed the smaller fish, they still get all the rest of the baby foods until they are jarred. Once they are in the grow out tank and eating well this is the best time to get them used to eating anything. There is a lot of competition for food and they will gobble up anything that is put in the tank. If they ignore a certain food persist they will soon get hungry and eat.

Once the fry are jarred they get fed the same as our adult fish, Whole Bloodworms, Frozen Daphnia, Live Daphnia, White Worms, Grindal Worms, Osi Flakes and Granules and what ever new foods I am trying out at the time."

From here.
Dane said:
I also feed my bettas live foods in a special container so they don't live in the polluted water just incase.. since it might cause velvet or other diseases..
I'm sorry, Dane, what do you mean by this? You put your betta in a special container and feed it in there?

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