Frozen BBS


Dog Wrangler
Feb 5, 2004
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So, after basically finding the whole bbs hatchery thing a pain in the patootie, I tried feeding the fry some frozen BBS. They snapped them up like they were thrilled with them. Is there something wrong with Hikiri Frozen BBS for fry? Why don't people use them for breeding? Help me out here folks....
They dont use them cause it makes daddys egg eaters

How big are ur fry?

Try also Frozen Daphina.... :nod:
Joker, I mean to feed the fry. I know the dad's in with my fry, but most fry tanks don't have an adult betta in them. Do you mean the male fry will grow up to be egg eaters if they eat frozen bbs?

They don't really love the frozen daphnia. However, wuv told me they like the jarred daphnia better, so I'll have to pull mine out of the fridge. So far they've eaten infusoria, MW, first bites, frozen bbs, and algae wafer crumbs. Hopefully I can add some jarred daphnia to the list soon! :thumbs:
Can u explain Jarred Daphina?

What is that?

How does that work?

Im really not sure if u feed them to the fry they become egg eaters

But I dont know...
JoKeR said:
Can u explain Jarred Daphina?

What is that?

How does that work?

Im really not sure if u feed them to the fry they become egg eaters

But I dont know...
Jarred daphnia is like frozen daphnia, except in a jar. :p

I think it's probably fresher then frozen. Once you open the jar, you have to put it in the fridge. I got mine in an auction at the PNWBS.

Im gonna have to ask Wuv

Were she finds this stuff... :thumbs:
GuppyDude said:
iv got a question, what is Daphina and how would i obtain sum?
Daphnia are small freshwater crustaceans, one of the many creatures considered zooplankton. They are also known as "water fleas". Hikiri makes a nice frozen Daphnia, and it is available in jars as well.
Hi cation :)

This is a good question. I'd wondered why everyone wants to hatch them and if they are nutritious enough I'd look for them, although not to feed betta fry. :D

How could feeding fish frozen food as opposed to live, make them want to eat eggs? It just seems like a strange idea. :S
Inchworm said:
Hi cation :)

This is a good question. I'd wondered why everyone wants to hatch them and if they are nutritious enough I'd look for them, although not to feed betta fry. :D

How could feeding fish frozen food as opposed to live, make them want to eat eggs? It just seems like a strange idea. :S
Hey Inchy

BBS(Baby Brine Shrimp) are very nutrious since they got there egg yolk

But when ABS(Adult Brine Shrimp) It makes the dads go egg eaters

Dont know why.... :/
But there are frozen baby brine shrimp too, that's what I was feeding them today - I guess my question is, why live instead of frozen?
i dont know if its just ABS joker, its probably not best to not feed the male anything at all untill he is removed from the spawn tank.
Okay, guys, but my question relates to FRY eating frozen BBS vs. FRY eating live BBS. I don't care if we discuss other stuff too, you guys know thread hijacking doesn't bother me at all, but I still am curious about my original question. :p
Well I prefer live BBS because I believe it's healthier/more nutritious, I have no problem hatching them, it's cheaper, and it's more fun watching them chase down the live, swimming shrimp, haha. But also, the live BBS will live for a while in the tank, so the feeding lasts longer, I can slightly overfeed without worrying, as they'll eventually eat them all (as long as I don't overdo it), the frozen will just sink to the bottom (this also keeps the fry off the bottom, scavenging for what didn't get eaten on the way down). What problems did you have hatching the live BBS? I have zero problems and it takes all of 2 minutes a day to setup.

However, frozen would be an ok substitute assuming your fry will eat them (which you say they are), so I don't see a major problem with it, if it's easier for you.


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