From The Ashes. Another Planted Journal

I just learned something awesome {all plant knowledge is awesome to me}

Egeria densa has 4-6 whorls while elodea has only 3.

hydrialla has 5 whorls of leaves and can feel rough to the touch. I now know how to identify them with confidence.
Cool, ill send you a PM. I would treat your tank with Kanamycin just to make sure no more Fish TB lives. I used Kanaplex and it is plant safe :hyper:. I keep my quarentine tank constantly dosed with Kanamycin + copper :good:.

Hydrilla is not soft like elodea, and hydrilla has a tuber but lives/reproduces just fine as a stem. Its a #19###! Ill clear a lake front and in 2 months it looks like i never did a thing :angry:
What is your job that you clear those plants, if you don't mind me asking. ? It is interesting to me is all.
Hey FF,

Just been reading about your tanks and fish TB - really sorry to hear about that. I didn't even know it existed, and I think I should be more careful.

Looks like this tank will progress nicely - I look forward to seeing it fill up with plants and fish. I think slow and steady is often the best way to go. Hopefully you have run out of bad luck - you seem to have had plenty.

Your fish stocking sounds excellent. I would go with some BN plecs for the algae.

Good old Ian! And you will only get the best quality from him FF! Definitively worth going for his fish....

Actually it was Frank Falcone that I was speaking with. He was so friendly, bad news though, he is getting ready to retire :sad: I am planning to save a little and bid on one of the more interesting species that he sells. A. albater is one that I would love to get a hold of. I hope I can order from him before he stops selling.

Thanks for the kind words Sid. You all have brow beaten me into getting Bristlenoses. I will remember this when my tank is full of poo. Just saying.
Actually it was Frank Falcone that I was speaking with. He was so friendly, bad news though, he is getting ready to retire :sad: I am planning to save a little and bid on one of the more interesting species that he sells. A. albater is one that I would love to get a hold of. I hope I can order from him before he stops selling.

Ooopppssss *blush* I was mixing Ian Fuller up with Frank Falcone! It is too bad that he wants to retire; his cories are great and he keeps many species not many people have.... It is a pity he is not shipping to Canada!
Well, I rescaped both tanks today :lol: I am not happy. My Vallisneria americana showed up today and it looks awful. It's supposed to be green right? The 2 swords that I ordered are lovely though.

Problem is, I have 9 swords in a cluster around the wood. With the vallis in the corner and the dwarf sag all over. There's something very wrong about how I have planted the swords. My kiddies were starting to whine about how hungry they are :sly: So I had to stop.

All the crypts were moved to my 46g which is another problem story.
OK. I had a ranting frustrated moment and now I am back to planning. I need to decide on a plant layout and some of these swords need to go.

I need midground plants that will look good all around the wood with the swords that I keep.
I hastily snapped a daytime pic so I could ask for some thoughts. My vallis was dying in the mail so there's some new on they way. The plants in there now are

3 x echinodorus amazonicus
1 x Echinodorus osiris
2 x Echinodorus 'Kleiner Bar'
1 x Echinodorus 'Ozelot Red'
2 x {Small swords. Unsure what they are as of now}
1 x Stem of Cabomba :lol:
1 x dead tiger lotus bulb, soon to be removed.
Dwarf Sagittaria

The Vallis will be planted in the back left corner behind the wood. I thought about allowing the swords to get all bushy and thick around the wood, like a lot of people do with java fern. The reds in the other swords might show up and swim around with the bright green of the amazons behind them. Might be neat. DO you think?

Planning carefully is important, I have to order everything in very small bits at a time. I'm planning to let the dwarf Sag. go nuts on the right side but making sure there sand available for cories


Looks so empty after having had it fully planted.
lol you gots yo threads mixed up :p
What happened to the hooah in the thread title? It was totally minnnt :)
All of the swords but my 2 new ones went through the bleaching and melting away so they are very bare crowns. SOme of them only have 2 leaves left. Good news...there is new growth on all of them and it's coming in RED. I had added the stock lighting behind my T-5 which upped the wattage quite a bit. If the new leaves stay red then I will be dancing :kana:

lol The hooah was cool at first, but then I felt like a doofus. My hubby doesn't even shout out random Hooah's! unless he has all his soldiers over for a game. The are obnoxious. :lol:
But it fits your personality just right :lol:

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