From The Ashes. Another Planted Journal

I appreciate that, we aren't moving until the end of November though.
Oh ok ;) just tell me if you need anything once you move ;)
:angry: Diffusing co2 with an airstone is annoying. I did see some pearling yesterday from the swords. I have added the stock lighting unit to the tank along with my T-5 unit to add a few wpg. It has the tank looking as bright as the sun and we all get a shock when it turns on.

Purigen kicks butt. It has the water crystal clear today. :kana:
Ohhhhhhhh yeah! I ordered some vallis and swords last night. Got a stern look from the hubby and a budget is in place again. We are dead broke folks.

I did a quick water test...I haven't really been testing much yet. To my surprise there were a buttload of nitrites in there and no more ammonia. I dosed 'er up and brushed off the wood. Diatoms are still creeping around the tank.

That seems pretty fast to me, I am guessing that there were some nitrifiers clinging to the very, very few new crypts that I put in. Jump start :good:

Anyway, this left me thinking seriously about some stocking plans. I can't afford to switch it up too much after. I really lost a lot of money in losing all of the previous fish and 3/4 of my plants.

Tentative plan:
6 Wild type angels
20 or more Rummynose Tetras. {I have never seen these in person, but I hear great things}
2 ? Bolivian rams. Maybe just a male & female.
15 Cories...type ? I want something with an interesting coloring. I hate play sand and when I move, I will have dark substrate in this tank.
3 or 4 otos I suppose. I am so tempted for some baby plecs. Aghhhh! Suggestions?

Any ideas on the cories as well?
Dude! Get plecs instead of otos fo sho...

Corys...I think my little sterbai are mega cute (and they don't get as big as say bronzes, for example) but I really like the varieties that show quite a lot of white with dark patterns/dots on...except for the pandas, I dunno why but I am not wild on them. Those ones that cazzie has are so cool!
I am looking for the ones the Cazzie has, but they will go on the black sand. Sterbai's are cuteee. I'll have to get a look in person. I had Panda cories already and do not care for them as much either. I LOVE albino corys but they wouldn't be as lovely on the play sand, and I don't think its nice for them to be under such bright lighting.

My other tank will get those awesome cories and a huge group of espei's.
Your tank sounds to be coming along ;)
My fish order from bobs tropical plants is expected to arrive tomorrow. Hope they're all good!
Oh! I bet it will be packed well at least. DOA's can happen with any seller but I Bob's tropical would have less. I plan to order most of my stock from him. HOw much was your shipping? Normal Priority prices?
It was $30 and he refunded $19 so yeah normal.
Have you thought about getting loxozonas or agasizzis? These cories are nice too with enough white and black to be able to see them on both substrates. I really suggest you look at aquabid under the cories. Most varieties come with pictures, another option is planet catfish but there you will not really know which ones are more common to get or not.
I have been poking around aquabid quite a bit. I placed a small plant order there to test out a seller. I'll keep my eye out for interesting cories, the loxozonas are nice. Most cories appeal to me actually, so I won't be picky lol I wrote down the seller names that you mentioned in Cazzies thread. coryologist and corysrus
:angry: :angry: :angry: My diffuser came shattered. What the heck is wrong with people. It was in an UNpadded envelope with no wrapping at all. Of course it shattered!

I am using an AIRSTONE and it's got to be turned up too high to get a light green drop checker. Money is just blowing out my :look: :look: :look:

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