From Nano And Beyond


it's a watchman goby and they live in a symbiotic relationship with the nearly blind pistol shrimp

the shrimp digs the burrow the goby protects it

besides, in a straight fight the shrimp would probably win
Well I finally own probably my favourite fish in the hobby (2 of them, but only when emerged from the sand before lights out):



No aggression shown to it at all, even from the sixline wrasse which is a completely different fish in a larger tank.
both wrasse are now out and about, the second worried me a but as it spent the best part of 30 hours buried before showing itself.

now i just have to get them feeding... ^_^

quick edit: will get photos of both the wrasse tomorrow, main light is off for the night now
spoke too soon about the six line :S

rearranged a lot of the rock work, hopefully difuse the aggression a little till the six line gets bored

if not the tank is getting stripped over the weekend and the six line will be permanently evicted
tank stripped, wrasse removed, calm reigns again :)

now i just need to work out where the wrasse goes (currently living in the sump)

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