Had my eye on these for for a couple of months now but the price tag put me off, got taken into the fish shop to buy "a little something" for my birthday and went to check their tank as usual, saw they were reserved and was disappointed... saw they were reserved for me and was very happy!!!
After a bit of agro from the tang they seem to be settling well, Tang is still wary and patrolling, but not bothering them anymore. I was suprised by the tang, it's been so docile with everything else in the tank, but really worked itself up about these two at first, but I suppose these's just no such thing as a "peaceful tang"
Anyway, let's play IDENTIFY THE FISH!!!!
Checking out the surroundings:
Relaxing now:
Shocking photo quality, better images to follow tomorrow when they're a bit more settled.
While I remember... picked up the rock today, lots of life on it and out of a very well established system (from a minimum of 170G display tank a week or so ago and being stored in the sump of a 11'x3'x4' display since) so the nano will be back up and running tomorrow!