From Nano And Beyond

Wow, looks great @ombomb. Love the closeup of the goby/shrimp
just bought 20KG of LR on ebay, picking it up tomorrow!

will be putting about 15 in the nano and 5 in the big tank

fish next weekend i think
Had my eye on these for for a couple of months now but the price tag put me off, got taken into the fish shop to buy "a little something" for my birthday and went to check their tank as usual, saw they were reserved and was disappointed... saw they were reserved for me and was very happy!!!

After a bit of agro from the tang they seem to be settling well, Tang is still wary and patrolling, but not bothering them anymore. I was suprised by the tang, it's been so docile with everything else in the tank, but really worked itself up about these two at first, but I suppose these's just no such thing as a "peaceful tang" ;)

Anyway, let's play IDENTIFY THE FISH!!!!



Checking out the surroundings:




Relaxing now:


Shocking photo quality, better images to follow tomorrow when they're a bit more settled.

While I remember... picked up the rock today, lots of life on it and out of a very well established system (from a minimum of 170G display tank a week or so ago and being stored in the sump of a 11'x3'x4' display since) so the nano will be back up and running tomorrow!
they are really nice looking but I have no idea what they are! Did you get them a a birthday gift?!
That's them, they are becoming more popular now.. but still expensive, very nice for a b day present! :D
$199 for one fish :( Speachless.. yes they are nice but not £100 quids worth
Love the shrimp & goby pic :p did you buy them together ?
Any more full tank shots and hows the Tang doing? no doubt making short work of your macros by now :)
Been busy at work but should have some tomorrow.

Tangs doing very well, seems a little disinterested in the Macros, which is a little annoying as there's a fair bit of sargassum developing which he really ought to be dealing with! It's calmed down a lot around the anthias thankfully, still shoos them away occasionally, but it's very half hearted.

Yes I bought the Goby and Shrimp as a confirmed pair about 8 months ago for the nano and I'm very glad I did, hugely entertaining and endearing AND they're OK in a tank as small as 10G, the perfect nano residents!

yes they are nice but not £100 quids worth

I'm afraid they were a bit more than that, but they're superb fish, trust me :) Not hugely active when the main lights are on still, but always roaming the tank under actinics / moonlights, they'll get more active during the day over time.
Well the anthias have settled in very well, much more confident with the lights on, the tang seems to completely ignore them now and they're eating very well.

Looking at ways to up the calcium level of the tank in preparation of more hard corals and still trying to decide on a fish that I can buy a few of for upper water level movement / colour, still keen on chromis as the colour is a nice contrast to the other fish in the tank.

Some pics!



Not much has changed really other than it's far more peaceful and you can actually see all the fish for once.

Male anthias


You can see the tang just behind it, both ignoring one another.



Just hanging around the entrance to their cave.
WoW...I really do like the look of those.
Nice Fish
i'm a fresh water guy but that is a really cool tank. what is that yellow fish under the rock and why isn't it eating the shrimp?

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