During today's water change I managed to suck up not one but TWO fish! I gots the mad skills. The first one was a smallish cory and he just got lodged bum-first in the end of the syphon. Seems OK though - torn dorsal fin. The other was a rasbora; he got to make the full trip, lucky devil. Torn fins on him too
I'm so awesome.
I'm now like 98% sure I've got a male and a female BN plec

The bigger of the two has no bristles but the smaller one does sooo surely if the bigger one was male it would be showing some bristles by now, right?!
Tensions between the Bolivians have calmed down without me doing anything. Bruce and Melvin are gay lovers, it's very romantic. They aren't damaging each others' fins anymore so I'm going to take that as peaceful cohabitation for now!
Plants are looking good. I'm kind of battling staghorn again but I've started dosing the carbon daily instead of every second day so hopefully that will disappear soon. My bacopa is starting to blush pink at the ends so I'm pretty pleased about that and my e. quadricostatus has FINALLY started to send out runners. I didn't think it was ever going to happen but TBH it's not doing that great overall and I'm not sure if I should maybe swap it with something else. The leaves seem to grow nicely and then as soon as it reaches what is I guess full size, starts to look a little crappy for some reason.
I can't tell yet if the vallis is going to melt again because I'd planted loads of new stuff which naturally went though a little melt so I'm not really sure what damage is new lol
Sadly it looks like the endlers are going to have to stay
I told hub I was getting rid of them and I thought he was going to have a little temper tantrum right there. Ugh, they are so stupid. The one perk is that they are more scavengery (good word eh?) than any of the other fish so they eat lots of crap that no one else wants; they graze constantly.
Edit: there may be some random errors in that post. I'm using hub's mac and it basically fixes my typos like the autocorrect on a phone does. Weird newfangled machinery.