Freshwater Polyps?


New Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Miami, Fl
I have a planted 10 gallon tank, with a eco-complete substrate. I noticed a few weeks ago that there were some small green structures on a pebble in the substrate but figured the otos would take care of it. Now I'm seeing another one on the glass of the aquarium itself. They look like lttle green coral polyps and I'm noticing some all over my dwarf sag as well. Can anyboy tell me what these are and if they are a threat to my fish, or even to me?
What you`ve got is hydra...
its atype of fresh water anemonie
They pose no threat to your tanbk. some salt will get rid of them
ohh ok thanks for that. So should I use freshwater aquarium salt, marine salt, or table salt?
Aquarium salt, but check your fish etc will be OK with this, some fish are sensitive to salt more than others.
They will disappear eventually; don’t worry about them unless you have very tiny egg layer fry. They cant even catch tiny baby cherry shrimp.
Thanks a lot guys but I have a few more questions. Where do they come from, and what kind of preventative measures can I take? And do they indicate poor water quality or something?
They are perfectly natural, they probably arrive on plants. I wouldn't think there is anything you can do to prevent them, or even that's really necessary. Some fish will eat them. They don't indicate poor water IMO, healthy fish is the best indication of good water quality.

They are perfectly natural, they probably arrive on plants. I wouldn't think there is anything you can do to prevent them, or even that's really necessary. Some fish will eat them. They don't indicate poor water IMO, healthy fish is the best indication of good water quality.


yea they come in on plants, the same as snails, and as the mostly feed via photosynthesis its not bad water quality...

nothing you can really do to prvent them, however if you manage to eradicate them all and don`t add any new plants you should be fine

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