zero nitrite with no change in ammonia is showing you don't have a natural cycle going.rcampbel04 said:Day 5 - 1/29/14.
Once again, there hasn't been too much of a change. Only real difference is that my pH dropped down from 8.1 to 7.6 Did my tests and here are the readings:
Ammonia: 4 ppm ( Didn't add any ammonia today)
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 2-5 ppm. Once again i am not sure if the test is just being inaccurate or if there are actually nitrates present. It is hard to say, but the results are DEFINITELY not at 0. Not sure why, but i made sure to follow the test procedure exactly and even had a second set of eyes confirm the color for me.
Side note: still don't have a top for the aquarium. Have to add water today because it is evaporating really quickly. I think it has dropped between 2.5 to 5 gallons in 5 daysgotta find a top!
Thanks for the response! The dechlorinator im using is aquasafe plus by tetra. And i did make sure to rinse the gravel i put in, i think i did a pretty thorough job but i could have missed a bit. I also realized that since i put the lid on the temp went WAY up, probably almost 8 degrees so i turned it down to about 76-77. Hopefully that will help things! Thanks for the advice appreciate any help i can getReMz said:So awesome you are doing this the right way. Giving you a chance to play around with the tank instead of being completely new and having fish in there on a thin line of dying or surviving. In hindsight you must be happy there
Now what would be really fun is some live plants
I like what you have going so far. The tank setup is half the fun of keeping fish.
I'm not surprised the API quick start didn't work. Was a bust for me as many other people as well. I'm curious how products like these can sell with false claims.... other than maybe helping to foster bacteria.
What are you using for dechlor?
Also... I'm wondering if your new substrate is releasing some things into the water messing with PH and readings. Did you thoroughly rinse the gravel before putting it in? either way, it is far from an established tank and I would expect some crazy swings in readings. That is certainly a big PH change though.
Plants (fake) shouldn't have touched PH at all.
BTW, crank down your heater with the lid on. If you haven't that tank is going to roast.