Freezing Crickets


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2006
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not a big deal, but my friend wants to know if you can freeze crickets without killing them for his lil Golden lizard

thanks in advance
You cannot freeze crickets without killing them, the same way as you cant freeze people without killing them. Maybe in the future though, it doesn't sound very nice -_- .
You cannot freeze crickets without killing them, the same way as you cant freeze people without killing them. Maybe in the future though, it doesn't sound very nice -_- .

Not really true...I saw a documentary which showed that Doctors use a method to freeze people that wanted to be freezed cause they have last stage cancer or smthing...Cause they want to see the future....When its time they will "defrost" them and they can survive normally but they still die anyway...Lol
It's all about ice crystals int the blood, there are ways being developed to try and prevent this, but until that time you cannot freeze anyone without killing them on defrosting.
Some animals have developed a way to prevent ice crystals, the 'weta' is a good example of this, theres even a fish species in the arctic/antarctic(cant remember :S )that can survive being frozen by preventing crystals in the blood. Even these cannot survive frozen for long though :) .
Well really, its going to die in the end anyway, but i would rather be frozen then eaten alive. :crazy:
My guess is this dude was thinking "There's a really good deal on crickets down at the store. If only I could freeze some of them and thaw them out months down the road as needed."

If you want to have a steady, cheap supply of crickets, breed your own. There are plenty of cricket-breeding boxes on the market.
not a big deal, but my friend wants to know if you can freeze crickets without killing them for his lil Golden lizard

thanks in advance

That's meann :-( :-( Why not just feed them live? Its torture to freeze them.

Its not really "torture" sice crickets have no memory and no pain receptors. However as others have said, its pretty easy to breed them, so there isn't any real reason to freeze them. I don't know much on golden lizards, but my main concern would be that the lizard would take an interest in dead crickets- a lot of reptiles will not touch dead food like insects, no matter how fresh they are.
The lizard may not recognise dead crickets as good food because it is against its instincts to eat dead critters in case it makes it sick etc.
Its not really "torture" since crickets have no memory and no pain receptors.
- Anguish: extreme mental distress
- Unbearable physical pain
- Agony: intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; "an agony of doubt"; "the torments of the damned"
- Torment: torment emotionally or mentally
- Distortion: the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean
- Subject to torture; "The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible"
-The deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason; "it required unnatural torturing to extract a confession"

Crickets and many other creatures with no pain receptors have other senses that will in some way indicate to them they are being frozen (or any other potential harm) and that this is a bad thing, so it could be classed as torture.

You could have a person with no working pain receptors (they do exist! :eek: ) but if you set them on fire or plunged a dagger into their heart, they would still know something was happening to them and would be in "extreme mental distress" or emotional torment. Thats not even a very good example, since humans have evolved to rely on pain receptors.

'Pain receptors' are just a specialized and effective kind of sensory receptor that we and countless other animals have evolved, we use them solely for detecting potentially damaging stimulus and sending signals to the brain that the brain then turns into pain. The fact that some animals do not have pain receptors does not mean that they cannot feel pain.
Think of the signal our pain receptors send to our brains as a radio wave with a certain wavelength. Our brains receive this radio wave, recognizes it and then generates a feeling of pain, all because of the certain wavelength.
Now think of a part of a crickets central nervous system that is detecting its legs are being crushed, it will send radio waves of the same wavelength as if it were being lightly brushed to the brain of the cricket. But because the legs are being crushed, more sensory receptors are being stimulated(ones that would not be feeling anything unless the leg was being crushed, the ones inside the leg for example) and the crickets brain receives much more signals. The crickets brain processes this volume of signals as damaging because it knows that those extra receptors being stimulated must mean the leg is being damaged and creates a perception of 'pain' for the cricket to generate a response.

There is no way for us to tell if this feeling to stimulate a response is actually anything like pain (we're not crickets), but we have more evidence to suggest that it does feel like pain than against it. There is no such thing as pain, only the perception of pain, therefor the only evidence that pain even exists is our perception. There is no way of knowing how any other life form percepts things, so the only thing we can do is assume they percept similar or the same as we do.

Also, i don't see how memory comes into it at all. Memory is a function that a part of our brains fulfill, you do not need memory of pain to experience it. If the animal has a brain, then it is possible for it to experience pain or an equivalent. If the animal does not have a brain, then it cant.
also, isnt freezing fish the most human way to kill fish? it simply puts them to sleep.......forever...... :/
No, thats a myth. There are countless threads about the best way to put a fish 'to sleep', and the outcome is always that the best way it to crush its brain very quickly. Gruesome subject, i really don't like thinking about it.

For the record I have nothing against live/frozen food if it's necessary, healthier or simulates nature in a way that benefits the animal you are feeding, and i often feed my fish and triops live food.

Also, Ricky does make a very good point too, but it all depends how its done.
so wait,
freezing them isnt the best way to kill a fish.
of course, there might be more than one way to kill a fish humanly. :/
from what i understand, the cold slowly shuts down the fish's systems, to the point that they just, well, "sleep" and then die. :( .this is what happens to goldfish, their immune system slows, their heartrate slows, as well as resperation, except they must have some resiliance to cold.
of course, the method that was described above would be effective, surly it cant be the only way?

or mabey it is.

where did you find that this is just a myth?

just curious. :D
from what i understand, the cold slowly shuts down the fish's systems, to the point that they just, well, "sleep" and then die. sad.gif .this is what happens to goldfish, their immune system slows, their heartrate slows, as well as resperation, except they must have some resiliance to cold.
Unfortunately, thats most often not the case. People think its the best method, try it, and end up with an extremely distressed fish in great pain swimming around in freezing water and trying desperately to escape.
where did you find that this is just a myth?
Here on this forum, one of the most popular questions people ask is 'whats the most humane way to kill my fish?'. People have very divided opinions on this subject, but i think its clear that freezing is defiantly not. In these threads are countless stories of freezing gone extremely wrong, because the person who asked the questions was too squirmish to perform other methods, or didn't have any clove oil or ethanol, ect....
Just do a search on freezing fish, euthanasia and the like :) .

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