whew hostle.
its really not a big deal.
killing someone is a big deal, not letting a fish go in a pond.
im pretty sure they weren't "showing off" either.
they thought they did the right thing, and that should be good enough for all of you.
none of you are going to "get off your butts" and go get those fish either.
so no one is really doing anything, but yelling at this person.
this kind of thing, makes me want to leave forums.
and im sure it looks fabulous for other people who want to join.
HAd the OP done some research before he bought the fish, he would not have bought them. However since he DID buy them, he has an absolute reponsibility of duty towards them. Once he realised they were going to grow too large, he should have made efforts to relocate them humanely. Offerring to other fish keepers or zoos, aquariums etc.
Sure, there were 2 males so won't breed, but what if someone with some females decides to dump them in the same place?
Suppose they spawn and spawn gets caught on the legs of wading birds, or frogs, which then gets deposited in other waterways. That is how things spread. The OP and you seem to assume that nobody else ever will dump female fish in the same pond. This is a very narrow minded viewpoint and purely selfish indeed. Natural ecosystems are fragile things.
In Australia, ex pet cane toads, are decimating wildlife. Here in the UK ruddy ducks, agrresive crayfish and other species is endangering our native wildlife and all because one person dumped something and thought that nobody else would be doing the same.
Laws are made for the greater good of the majority. JKust because one person doesn't agree with the law, doesn't mean they should be broken.
Personally I think that a 70mph speed limit on the motorway is a daft law, but since it IS a law, I don't break it.
An alcoholic may think that drink driving laws are silly . A chap who has a skinful may firmly believe that he is fully competent to drive. The law knows different.
The reason people are getting annoyed is that the OP didn't research his species, then couldn't be bothered to find suitable homes for them, knowingly broke the law, and then refused to see that he did anything wrong, or that there could be serious repercussions and displayed no remorse when those repercussions were pointed out. I for one, do hope that he gets caught and fine because sadly, some people have to be forced to obey the laws we are all bound by and the only way to do it is to punish them.
Personally, here in the UK, I feel that the RSPCA would prosecute on animal abandonement laws and he would also be made to sign over his other fish and banned from keeping animals for many years.
And yes, I would say so to his face too.
what is the worst thing that could happen from doing this?all i can think of is the catfish eats everything in the pond then dies
its not nice but its hardly gonna have any impact on the enviroment is it?
so what if another person releases some females too becauase they were too big for his tank? You then have them breeding. You h ave to look at the bigger picture.