Free-Swimming Or Wiggling?


Fish Herder
Apr 8, 2009
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Hey guys. I couple days ago my bettas' eggs hatched, and the fry wiggled around endlessly. Well today, I noticed that many of the fry were out and about the tank, swimming horizontally. I removed the male, though I still saw some fry in the bubble nest. (I also dropped the water to 2 inches, just in case) Okay, well my question is, the fry that are swimming horizontally appear to be quite fat, like they still have some of their yolk sac left, and have a little trouble staying upright. Whenever they get scared, (ie. I stick the tip of my finger in the tank) they bolt and then attach themselves to the wall of the tank. Is this normal? It's really got me worried.... I hope I don't have a "defective" batch of fry.... :unsure:

Thanks in advance!

Hi, I would not worry at this stage they are still young and getting used to swimming, you may have moved the dad a little too early if some were still in the bubblenest but they should be fine, what are you feeding them on?
Yes their fine and perfectly normal. they have not fully developed the muscles for swimming that's all.
I too would not of removed the male just yet, once their free swimming (swimming normally and unaided) then this is when he can mistake them for small live foods and should be removed.
Thank you. :) They are completely free-swimming now, and I have tried feeding them liquid fry food, bbs, and dried microworms. (First Bites - is says on the ingredients that they're microworms)I really have fed them a little too much, but observed them after feeding, and they were eating. (Or at least I saw a couple of them eat.) When should I start water changes and/or put a filter in? The tank was established for 2 years prior to breeding the fish, but it's becoming a teensy bit cloudy, and all I have in there are some pond snails and a huge clump of java moss and java ferns. (I just removed the filter) Should I put an airstone on low? Because I have a gang valve, so I could turn the aeration speed down a little.

Thanks in advance,

With regards to when putting the pump back on - I don't know, but if you have a sponge filter I know you put it back on with one air bubble a second or something like that

The cloudiness will more than likely be the liquifry - I have heard it can cloud things up. Any left over food I would just pick up with a turkey baster - I wouldn't consider a water change at just a few days old (my opinion)
Hi,they will need a sponge filter in there to keep the water clean,these filters are great because they have little to no current and will not suck up the fry,you can just attach it to your airline instead of an airstone,if the water does appear to be getting cloudy then you will need to do a very small water change as over feeding the fry will cause the ammonia to rise which is very harmful to them especially when they are so young, to do the water change you need to use an airline as a siphon to help suck up the debris as this is small it will not take in too much water at once and hopefully not the fry either! but it is advisable to let it empty into a clear container so you can see if any fry are there,the water you use to replace that should be aged conditioned and of the same temperature,but do not change too much at a time only enough to clear most of the uneaten food :good:
Well matured sponge filters are the best as well as what been stared they carry microscopic foods which the fry love to nibble on as well.

As for water changes it should be done if your worried you over feed them! as over feeding fry is the quickest way to kill them.
All wast foods should be removed ASAP
Only change as little as possible at first in the first week, then after that 10% changes every 2-4 days will be fine.
It's very important that the water going in as clear of all chlorine etc etc.
I used to let mine stand for a day in the fish room to clear and warm up to the same temp as the fry tank before adding any.
Thank you very much! I will make sure to do that. :) The fry seem to be eating, but only a couple of them.... I'll see how it all ends up in the future. Wish me luck! :good:

Thanks again,


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