Free samples

ya, i was running out of the flake food that my betta was eating with the minnows (he refuses betta food), so i filled up their cup just recently with some other flake food we had for our other fish....and he hates it. eats it, then spits it out. well, i tried this hikari stuff, and he LOVES it! go hikari!
Well i loved Hikari before, but even more if they will send me free food! Thanks for the heads-up!
Inchworm said:
Here's another offer. :D This one is for free blackworms, but your lfs will probably have to carry this brand.

I didn't use this offer myself, but I did order a pound of these from this company and they arrived the next day in excellent condition. :thumbs:
Holy Cow Inch, a pound?? That's ALOT of worms! I usually buy 2 ozs. of live worms at a time from my lfs and they last me about a week, and it always seems like alot. How long does it take you to go through the pound?

i can't figure out how you don't feed your fish the big huge flakes with the lid they have :-( have to open it everytime lol but my guppies loved the guppy food and i can't find it forsale anywhere.
Does petsmart sell the blackworms? or any store?
Thanks Slamster17. :)

I just got mine. I got the big flakes, sinking wafers, fancy guppy, and micro pellets.

Hikari rules. :nod:
Well I got my free stuff, not bad, I filled out the form on Saturday and got it today (Thursday). Here is what I got:

A nice sized container of Hikari Flake Tropical (it's actually a size you would buy, not a free sample size)

The rest is free sample sizes:

Sinking Wafers
Tropical Micro Pellets
Fancy Guppy
Betta Bio-Gold (Woot! this stuff isn't cheap!)

I'm quite happy, thanks again for telling us about it :) My brother said he's going to do it too and hold onto the stuff for me until I see him next time (he lives in another city) Lol.

cool :thumbs:

i sent some free samples to my bf....who doesn't even have fish. lol. and some to my sister, who does have fish, so i'm sure she'll like the free things too :D

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