Human male babies are circumcised by having a "string" tied around and then waiting the days for the said "appendages" to die and fall off.
Er... this isn't quite how it happens. I do work in a hospital, btw.
Human male babies are circumcised by having a "string" tied around and then waiting the days for the said "appendages" to die and fall off.
Hehehehe, this made me giggleHuman male babies are circumcised by having a "string" tied around and then waiting the days for the said "appendages" to die and fall off.
Er... this isn't quite how it happens. I do work in a hospital, btw.
Human male babies are circumcised by having a "string" tied around and then waiting the days for the said "appendages" to die and fall off.
Er... this isn't quite how it happens. I do work in a hospital, btw.
Now for cows and chickens {and any animals} being kept where they cannot move of their own free will is appalling. Dairy farms are no better. They plug cows into a milking stall for horrible amounts of time and they cannot move.
As far as sheep tail-docking goes, I totally agree with what was said about flystrike. Docking the tail reduces the incidence of flystrike greatly (I have never seen a case of flystrike in a docked sheep) and causes the lamb hardly any pain, certainly compared to flystrike. The tail, once a band is applied, will become numb within about half an hour, then fall off within the next week or two.
If it wasn't for tail docking in sheep, there would be far more incidences of flystrike.
Docking tails reduces the incidence of flystrike greatly.
To me, they're the same thing, just reworded...
Also, I'm not trying to bring any new ideas to the table - I'm simply saying that the method that is used currently works, and there currently is no suitable alternative.
About getting het up over it - it bugs me when people form opinions over stuff they know very little about. Consider my paragraphs.......educational.
I actually keep up to date with what goes on on Farms, not only through the farmers themselves but through the public information given out on the DEFRA and FAWK websites.
There are far more horrendous thing out there to worry about than tail docking etc.
I dont think you are ignorant its nice to have an intelligent conversation sometimes
As for lamb tail docking, its much kinder to do it to lambs than adult sheep! As lambs they are less likely to get flystrike... but as sheep, it becomes a much bigger problem! I mean... when i was studying farm work at an agricultural college, we were forever dagging the sheep. In other words... giving them a brazilian but there were only a couple of hundred sheep, not the thousands other farmers have and not up on mountain sides like a lot of farmers sheep are!
Im pretty sure farmers would love not to dock lambs tails as they are more natural with tails...
There are a lot of rules about ringing lambs anyway, i think it used to be within 11 days of birth but i believe it went down to within 3 days of birth a while back.
Was worse having to use rings to castrate the male lambs but so much more humane than an operation within 3 days of being born!
But with sheep... its necessary, as is castration. Sheep farmers are doing really badly at he moment as it is without the added complication of flystrike and tangled tails and uncastrated males.
It even made my eyes water having to ring the young male lambs a day or two after birth! Not that the lambs could care less, the only thing the objected to was being handled in the first place. It only took a few seconds to tip the lamb up and use the scissor type things to stretch a band over and release it in the right place.
And microchipping, thats got to be painful... you seen the size of needles used?! They are 3-4mm accross to fit the chip inside it and you have to slip that under the skin, press the plunger to inject the chip and massage it to stop the chip coming back out the hole.
In other words, there are lots of procedures done on farms that initially cause the animals a little discomfort but its all regulated and done in their best interests and only done if necessary. There are far more horrendous thing out there to worry about than tail docking etc.