Free Aquacube ?!

yeah Ian wants to cancel our subscription and sign up again!! :lol: :lol:
You dont need to - its actually open to existing subscribers as well - they just add on 13 extra issues of PFK to when your existing subscription ends and you get the cube !
oooo :hyper: thanks for the tip !!! :D :good:

I'll get my order in tomorrow :D
Ive fallen into their marketing trap but ooooooooooooo im going to subscribe and get one :D
You have to wonder just how many "Nano Journals" we'll be seeing on here in the coming months :lol:

It looks like a good offer .... I've already got 1 nano setup and another 20cm cube to be done this weekend

..... but it must have been fate as I was looking for a 30cm cube to use as a shrimp only tank - looks like I've got one :hey:
Anyone know its dimensions? Ive googled it and it comes up with 20cmx20cmx20cm but i think thats another AquaCube as it says it only hols 8 litres not 25.
Anyone know its dimensions? Ive googled it and it comes up with 20cmx20cmx20cm but i think thats another AquaCube as it says it only hols 8 litres not 25.

"There's always room for another aquarium, and this great little tank from Superfish is 12" or 30cm in dimension and has a capacity of 5.5 gal or 25 litres."

Looks like thats 30x30x30
Just redone My Subscription, Wife will want proof that it is free.
Will show her the Mag article.

She cant complain and I can use the New Wood for this.
Just ordered mine too.
What's everyone got planned for their new tank? I'm planning a shrimp setup

Next everyone will be ordering their filters Realised it comes with filter too! Even better
Was thinking of some shrimps (maybe the more expensive ones :hey: ) Plants wise im not sure. Dont think the lighting would be enough for glosso(could upgrade lighting with those arcadia pod thingys). Java moss and stargrass im thinking about, also some rotala species.
What's everyone got planned for their new tank?
Mine is going into the loft :/
I' m not allowed any more tanks until some indefinitely time in the future when we possibly move and buy a house. Until then I can only have my 115 Gallon tank - which is not even "planted".

But I'll have my cube ready and waiting !
I'm planning a shrimp only cube, probably some CSR or bee shrimp if I can get them, but if not then cherry shrimp.

The PKF cube has an 11w light, which I think will be about the minimum you'd want to put over 5.5Gal.
I'm planning on christmas or weeping moss I may also have some U. graminifolia & P. helferi from my other tank if I need it, but I'm not sure the lighting would be good enough. I'll probably include DIY CO2 through a small glass/ceramic diffuser.

I've got one of the arcadia pod's already, but thats also 11w, so not really any better.

What I'll find interesting will be seeing the different scapes/uses that people come up with when all starting with the same basic equipment.

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