Fred's 5.5 Gallon Cube Journal

Long time, no update.
Everything has been fine and the nitrate dosing is doing its thing. Ive seen no algae! Not a single bit. Whilst that is fantastic, the plant growth IMO hasnt been as much as I would have thought/liked. I'll let you guys see what you think though.











It could be the blackout knocked your plants a little sideways, but at least it is going in the right direction now!

Yep, I agree, it's making really good growth. Do you still have your Galaxies in there? All still alive? Any signs of breeding?
Yep, I agree, it's making really good growth. Do you still have your Galaxies in there? All still alive? Any signs of breeding?

Yeh looks good just let it get back on track.

Im also interested in your galaxies, the 6 I got are doing fantastic and im hoping to breed them.Do you know big do they need to be to breed?
Thanks for all the replies.
The Galaxies are doing very well, all 5 of them (I want more but I know I shouldnt). They go crazy for live brineshrimp. There is some chasing but I wouldnt call it breeding behaviour. The size they are in the shops is big enough for them to breed. However if they arent then it really doesnt take long for them to get bigger. Mine have shot up in size. I may have a go at breeding, soften the water a little bit and keep water quality up whilst feeding tastey foods. One little problem though..... I have 2 females and 4 males :rolleyes: poor girls
Thanks once again.
Thanks for all the replies.
The Galaxies are doing very well, all 5 of them (I want more but I know I shouldnt). They go crazy for live brineshrimp. There is some chasing but I wouldnt call it breeding behaviour. The size they are in the shops is big enough for them to breed. However if they arent then it really doesnt take long for them to get bigger. Mine have shot up in size. I may have a go at breeding, soften the water a little bit and keep water quality up whilst feeding tastey foods. One little problem though..... I have 2 females and 4 males :rolleyes: poor girls
Thanks once again.

Is it not harder water they need? Mine appear to be 2 females and 4 males too.Mine actually readily take crumbled flake but I have been giving them microworms at least once a day just in case.
Well my water is as hard as you can get out of a tap :/ and so im sure they would appreciate it a bit softer. I know that Galaxies actually prefer the water to be a bit above 7pH. With Co2 i dont see that happening but it shouldnt really be an issue.
Excellent start (wish I had subscribed to PFK in time). Maybe you should think about taking out all the gubbings next time you post a pic, they distract from the overall scene. I look foreward to it maturing.

Agreed, but it's also nice to see a with the gubbins tank.. Its nice to see what it looks like on a day to day basis, as the owner sees it sitting in the lounge for example. Good to get ideas for concealing gubbins.

There was a great thread on here once called something like "tanks in situ", where people took photos of thier tanks including some of the room it was in. You could see it exactly how they would with a cuppa tea.!

Edit: i also meant to say.. nice work :good:.. and the galaxy rasboras are now called something else.. here

Thanks for the words Squid. Also for the link. But I quite like calling them Galaxy Rasboras :sad:
Hey man, looking good!
Can i request a new picture of the ramshorns? I love em too much.

all 5 of them (I want more but I know I shouldnt)

Fred you can have a few more Galaxies. The tank capasity can take it and it will give a bit more life to the tank. If not more Galaxies, then maby a trio of Dwarf Pensilfish from chaddar?

Keep up the good work.
Several days ago i pruned the rotala to give more shape. Then till now there has been very very little growth :crazy: there is still no algae though which is good.
The Galaxies are more confident now and swim in the open. Aspecially when they know im about to feed them.
Also, something that has made me smile is, if i put my finger in the tank and wait a while a particular shrimp will swim right over, land on my finger and walk around cleaning. It tickles loads though lol and if i move my finger too much he'll ping off. Anyone else been holding their shrimp? :)

P.S sorry there's no pics. Just a bit too busy.

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