Found A Shrimp In My Tank? Huh?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2009
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I had a small 10 gallon with some small tetras. One day I was cleaning the gravel and I found a shrimp. It was TINY. The size of over half ur finger nail.

Is that a parasite? or was it really a shrimp?

If it was a shrimp, how did it get there, did it form from left over food or ?

its dead now coz i was scared it was full of germs and sicknesses, but still, im very curious ii found a shrimp in my fish tank.. lol

anyone can help me out here :blink:
im always getting shrimps with my plants by accident. the best ive had so far is a red nose shrimp, and that was about 1 cm big and mucst have been kept in brackish conditions previous to that.
oh lol, no wonder.

also, my fish has white stringy poo ? what does that mean ? ;o

he eats normally and seems fine.
white stringy poo can mean a whole host of things from internal parasites to digestive problems, post a new topic in the emergency section and the right people can help you there. :)

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