Found A Cockatiel

Thanks guys.

I'm half wondering if I should have taken him home from the vets, as they think he possibly died from stress and I can find a vet's office very stressful. I'll probably be second guessing myself for a while now. I tried though. :X

Deanna - The vet says he had been eating within the last 4-6 hours, so it wasn't that. I'm thinking it might have been another bird too, but it's so hard to tell...
Cockateils (and possibly other birds) hide their illness and try to not show how sick they are. Its in their nature, and they do this because in the wild, a sick or injured bird will attract preditors to the entire flock.

I'm sorry about the little guy :rip:
I found a parakeet once near a gas station in the autumn. This great big mechanic took him home and tried like you to nurse him back to health. When I went back to ask him about it, he broke down and cried when he told me. They're tropical birds so if it's below 70 or so I wonder how long it would take for them to become cold enough so they won't make it? Have you checked past issues of the paper to see if anyone listed it as missing? I know from experience it can be pretty easy for them to escape really fast. Even if you have to call with bad news at least they won't have to worry and wonder what happened to it. Not knowing would be worse. You sure did your best and that's all you can do.

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