Found 56 Eggs- Lost Them All

ok thanks harlequins, shall reduce the temp, but the eggs are looking good. i can see a little swirl of fry body inside the eggs. about 25 of them. have transfered them to a "fishing net" as a hatchery as i dont want the cory fry being nibbled by the platy fry. At what rate do they grow. for example, at 3 months old guppies are an inch plus their tail. at the same length a platy would be 5/6 months old. How long will they take to grow to say an inch and 1 1/2 inches?
They are pretty slow growing in my eyes,but then they are so tiny when they hatch,i think my 6 month old juvi's are around an inch at a guess.and the oldest 9 month juvi's are a good inch & a half.
Yet in my eyes the pygmy fry tend to grow a lot faster,but they're small anyway :lol:
lol, I love pygmys, they are so cute, I have a group of 7 ( i lost 2) and there is such a difference between male and female ...from what i see the female are a good 3mm bigger
well, the good looker disappeared!!! and the 2 other deformed ones passed on, but this morning found another 32 eggs, so hopefully we may get better luck thus time..we'll see....5 days to go
thanks, i have reorganised my tanks today, and swopped the frybtank and the betta tank, to give the fry more rookn as they grow. so now my betta is back in his original 48L tank, and the fry are in a 64L tank...platy fry are free, and the eggs are in a net.
still trying to figure out what is wrong with my community tank.....what can cause flicking in the fish...they dont have any other symptoms... i know one of them has fungus and the tank is treated for it
but the fish have always flicked, even before the guppy had mouth fungus
any ideas seem to have similar taste in fish to me....i keep loosing platys and guppies...tempted to go with a different species completely if i loose this lot again
Hmm not sure,the flicking could be ich...or maybe a parasite thats affecting them,you'd be better asking wilder in emergency.

I never had any probs with my livebearers,whether water conditions play a part? i assume you stats are spot on? whats the temp in the tank?
Some peeps do have probs keeping livebearers due to ph, etc...

I sold all mine due to overload of fry,i gave the last lot to lfs a few days ago has they'd been growing in the main tank since the adults were sold :)

Hows the cory eggs looking?
I scrubed the main tank, and the stats were fine, but the tank seemed really dirty, so all srubbed and clean again,...this tank gives so many probs, have lost lots of fish from it, cant seem to find what the problem is...the only symptom is flicking...nothing else...i dont know
the eggs are going white, only a few turning the black colour so not many fertile ones. i am going to try remove the white ones this evening before i go to bed and then see how the others do. i shall let you know
Was your tank second hand or new?

I have read peeps buying secondhand can get probs if not clean out throughly,has the tank may have had a diseases previously,and parasites may stay in the tank and lie dormant then rear its ugly head when the tank is restarted??,i don't know have true this is...

Good luck with the eggs. :good:
the tank was new, and we did have ich, but was scrubbed and left for a few weeks, for all traces of ich to be gone. the only sym[tom that persists is flicking...noithing else. they eat well, poo well and seam ok otherwise. i really dont know
the eggs just havnt hatched and are going fuzzy, so i think another lot were unfertile. got more eggs today, we'll see

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