Found 56 Eggs- Lost Them All

LilyRose Tank

Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2009
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hi does anyone have any photos of peppered cory fry, so i can identify mine, i know i have yellow platy fry, but this little brown fry is the same size and i dont think platys come in a brown varient, so it can only be a peppered cory fry, or pygmy cory fry...just brown in colour with a fat little body and short tail..
Cory fry generally wait at the bottom of tank as the adults do, so unless its down there Id doubt it
yeah it was hiding in the gravel and marbles, i only saw it as i was toothbrushing the algae off the glass
oh wow, well then maybe you are in luck. Here's a couple pics of mine DSC00233.JPG

Had another pic to add on but Im told thats its too big to go on, anyone have any idea if I can change that?

But to lilyrose, the fry is hard to see in that pic cos its a phone pic, but its to the left of the white stone in middle of pic
Can't help with peppered fry but pygmy fry have definate black & white stripes across their body,so probably rule that one out :)
well its the same size as the platy fry, I always assumed newly hatched corys would be smaller than that, so you i think have bred just about everything.....what age would a cory fry be when its the same size as a week old platy fry
Cory fry are normally are a lot smaller than platy fry,unless its a few weeks old...

Can you get a pic of it?
ya the cory fry look like a lil' squiggle compared to livebearers fry lol
yeah, I'm just thinking its a few weeks old, we'll have to see what we get when they grow a bit as my platys gave birth today too, so shall see
Congrats on the new new arrivals :)
Well I did see one.... There are 4. And I saw my cories spawning. I managed to get 5
eggs and put them in a hatchery. How on earth do I get the eggs off the glass without squishing them :/ there are another 9 eggs on the glass. How do I pick them up without hurting them?
If you use a laser card, obviously ya dont wanna stick ur card in the water so somethin similar will do lol, and just scrape them gently from the glass. They're quite sticky, so they will stick to the card once their kinda forced to it.
When mine laid eggs, she did so every few days, so its very possible that the supposed fry, was from a batch she laid few days ago and now you've the second one
yeah I'm guessing that, unfortunately i think a few of them will perish, they have a fuzzines coming around them...only 3 not fuzzy
ya thats a fungus. i actually put an anti fungus treatment in the tank in which i put the eggs.
Dont no if it helped cos i lost alot of fry anyway, but i still got 5 fry so it wasnt disasterous
well I lost all of the first lot, and today we had another T-positioning ( repeatedly) and collected 56 eggs, we shall see if any survive this time, I have set up the breeder box to sit in the return stream from the filter so they constantly are washed with water current...( its what research has said to do....any ideas on this please) will update with photos this evening
Here is a pic of Tposition for everyone, sorry about the white lines ( reflection of my t shirt)


and here are the eggs



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