Forgot To Ask Shop. What Type Of Shrimp Is This!

:hyper: I've got to say (while nothing to do with shrimp), that's brilliant :lol:

Where'd you get the suit?

This is so good I find it hard to believe! No disrespect intended of course. That .gif is all over the internet - well done sir.

Oh, and back to shrimp, mine went from green, to blueish, to bright orange, so enjoy! And make sure you have good water circulation in your tank
That is a Singapore Shrimp. Sometimes it's called a wood shrimp or a Bamboo Shrimp.

They will change colors based on their surroundings or mood. Sometimes mine looks like the pic you posted and sometimes he gets bright red,

Here is a couple of good close up pics:



Here is a pic is their bright red stage:


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