Actually, reef squid are very social and do, in fact, have a complex language with over 100 different colour patterns which can be combined to make sentences. I have very different views on life and genetic patterns, and the intelligence of animals.
One very obvious point is that chimpanzees are alot like humans as far as body structure goes. We make tests for ourselves and try them on chimps to rate their intelligence. The invetebrate phylum cephalopods is very different from any vertebrates, and therefore we cannot test them as easily as we can chimps. Many animals, including humans, will adopt the language of the species they are raised with. That explains why humans can learn so many different languages, like japanese, spanish, english, ect. There have even been reports of humans, who have been neglected by their parents and thrown outside, that have learned the language of dogs. My theory is that the chimps learning language is simply their way of adapting to their surroundings. Therefore, chimps are no more intelligent than many other animals such as dolphins, their ability to learn is simply enhanced. When you learn something, you can form your own theories on what might happen to something when you do something to it.
Also, vertebrates have spent alot of their "evolutionary points" on developing vertebrae, while invertebrates can use these to highten intelligence and other areas. For instance, many people do not relize how much smarter there invertebrates are than their fish. I have seen coral-banded shrimp and ghost shrimp that act vastly smarter than their vertebrate friends.
Octopi learn very rapidly how to open jars and such. Chimps and Dolphins must be taught how to do things as such. I think that invertebrates as a whole are smarter than vertebrates as a whole. For instance, snails, an animal often thought as primitive and dumb, have been observed doing some very intelligent things. For instance, a snail will never try to get through a hole bigger than its shell. They measure the diameter of the hole and their shell before they try to go through it.
Dolphins occasionally beach themselves doing the bank thing. Also, "lower" vertebrates such as sailfin marlins and lionfish have excellent teamwork skills, like squid. Also, fish such as arrowanas will learn from other fish, like if a certain food is edible. I will someday prove my theories.
I hope you all remember me and this thread for a long time
We have a long ways to go before we unlock life's great mysteries. Some say they would be better off as just mysteries.