For All Those Who Want A Squid

Check out Ultimate Reef, Mikey , One of the Mods there has these (Sepia Bandensis) & they have recently laid eggs
Cuttlefish are a squid-like animal, but essentially, they are not a squid. Squid move around on the open water, and cuttlefish tend to crawl on the bottom. Also, squid are much less aggresive than cuttlefish.
Reef squid, a sociable species, are the earths most intelligent animal (excluding humans). They have an extremly complex language of colour changes, and a marine bioigist, (whos name escapes me now) is on the verge of proving that these animals are intelligent, almost capable of being setient. That means if humans were somehow killed off, that reef squid could actually become the dominant life form on earth.
I didn't say that they were a squid, just that people who want squids could get these. On the tangent, one marine biologist does not proof of sentience make.
"That means if humans were somehow killed off, that reef squid could actually become the dominant life form on earth."

i assume you mean all primates were killed off......cant see some old squid overtaking the chimps in a race for world leadership - not when they need 10 billion years just to get of the beach!
Reef squid are smarter than chimps, although the chimps might get the land and the squid get the sea. And squid would probably only need about 5 million to get on land, in 5 billion the earth is supposed to be overtaken by a super-sized sun! :hyper:

Opcn, Im sorry that post sounded like it was against you :*) I wasnt saying you said they were, I tend to sound a little agressive.

Nevertheless, both squid and cuttlefish are supposed to do well in aquariums, and a team of biologists is on the verge, sorry about that mistake. Also, it does not take many people to prove something, if just 1 person proves it, its still proven.
Oh I wasn't pfended don't worry, I'm difficult to offend.

as for the reef squid, can you link me to an article about them maybe?
Yikes, that might be hard. :/ The stuff I know about cephalopods comes from years of finding different television shows on cephalopods, one good show to watch is BBC's The Blue Realm. It almost always deals with cephalopods in one way or another.

Ill look for an article, but dont hold your breath.
Hey i saw something about em squid like creatures being the dominant creatures on earth if humans become extinct! or was it the octopus, i think it was more of the octopus .... :D

anybody of you seen the movie Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy ?? we all know what the smartes creature on earth is :) heeh
Opcn - here's an article I found after coming across this thread. Very interesting... article
I hope you don't mind chestnutmoray. You said you didn't have a link so I figured I'd look it up.
Thats fine, thanks for finding one :D

Although, it appears I have more confidence in the squids than they do...... :/

Maybe i will prove it someday :hey:
On the topic I'm starting up a Octopus tank in a few days. Wont be 3 months until I order my Bimac. These guys are really intelligent just as you claim. I cant wait to see their problem solving skills in action. Maybe I'll teach it to play fetch and roll over.

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