For the fish larvae of egg-laying fish.
Ultra-fine homogenous preparation of over 50 raw materials.
With special multivitamin complex and stabilised vitamin C.
JBL NobilFluid: Staple feed. Preserved with EC additives. Store in a cool place!
the "JBL NovoTemia" Artemia Eggs" ,it is liked eggs and when i put it in the water ,it will hatch to fry shimps ??? Or it is just small eggs i want to feed me betta with live food ,any suggestion ???
Artemia eggs (I'm assuming that's the same as brine shrimp eggs?) won't just hatch by putting them in a tank, they need to be put in a hatchery with very brine water and lots of aeration, then you feed the baby shrimp to BABY fish, not adults. Neither of those foods would be good for anything but new born fry. If you want to feed your adult (or near adult) fish live food you'll need to find live adult brine shrimp (can be hard to come by in many areas) or live blackworms (plentiful in my area, but I've heard others say they can't get them). You can also order cultures of certain types of live food such as wingless fruitflys. Here's an online place that sells live food cultures, take a look and see if anything sounds like what you'd want:
You can buy a ton of those betta floating pellets for $1-2 - that's a decent, cheap every day food. I definitely suggest either live or frozen bloodworms - bettas LOVE em.
whiteworm cultures are also easy to start if you like live foods