Flying Foxes


New Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Now then, as stated I'm a newbie. I've got two flying foxes in my tank and just five minutes ago I put my hand in to 'fish' out some debris at the bottom of the tank. Turns out none of my fish were particularly happy about this, my Bala sharks went mental and now my two foxes have muted their colours. Is this normal fir them when they've had a fright? Also I guess I should use a net and not be poking around with my hand?
Phew! Thought I'd done them some damage. Yes net from now on!
Why do you say you should use a net? I've often got my arm in my tank to trim plants, move decor or when doing water changes etc. As long as your arm is clean and doesn't have any chemicals on it the fish will be fine. However, there could be a small chance of catching something from the tank. However, it is very rare that you would actually catch anything as long as you clean your arm well afterwards (I use Hibiscrub, which is what doctors use, but that's because I have a really low wbc count).

I have some Crossocheilus siamensis, and when they squabble their colours fade, but that's normal.
OP do your two Flying Foxes fight at all? I've never been able to keep more than one as they tend to not get on with each other. My adult one now won't tolerate another FF or RTB shark or ruby shark in with him.
flying foxes can be aggressive towards each other, they are best kept singly or if you have a big tank you can keep a group of 5+. If you keep 2 or 3 then the biggest will bully the others. :good:

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