Fluval Roma 90

Wow, that is a great looking tank. A pair of either cichlid would be very happy to live in there.
Thanks guys, just got back from the LFS with a wild caught male and female Apistogramma Nijsseni :D
Will get some pictures up once they settle in B-)
They don't seem to like each other too much at the moment, few locked lip fights - hopefully that'll change :unsure:
Here's a few pictures anyway, nothing great though.



They look great! great addition to the tank :good:
They look great! great addition to the tank :good:

Cheers hun :good:
They seemed to have stopped fighting with each other but now i see the odd attack on my panda corys :grr: lol.

Here's a pretty decent picture
Whoa just came across this topic, didn't notice how much my plants had grown.
This tank has been completely stripped down now though, not sure if i got any pictures just before but will have a look to finish this topic off.

GOOD NEWS is, it got stripped down for a make over :hyper: so i'll try and do a step by step picture journal of my progress.
My apisto are starting to show signs of pairing too, if they pair i'll be keeping a nice thread of there progress too :good:

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