Fluval Edge


New Member
Dec 10, 2010
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I am new to this forum, although I have had tropical fish before, not for a fair few years. Two problems I have come across and hope someone will give me some advice!

I have a Fluval Edge tank with 6 yellow neon tetras in it - the tank is new and has been running for around 5 weeks at a temp of 25/26 degs.

I have found that the fish are getting stuck in the filter intake pipe - there is one in there now which I have to remove as soon as its daylight and I can see properly, this is the second I have lost in this way. I have turned the filter down at the moment, but obviously cannot leave it like that as it won't filter the water properly. I have found that when the filter is on high the fish appear to be struggling with the high water flow.

I know there is a pre filter sponge but am not sure if this covers the intake pipe in the tank or inside the filter? I am going to have to put something over the intake pipe to stop the fish getting stuck anyway.

I also seem to be having a problem with some sort of "gloop" in the tank....it is a jelly like substance and is seems to be acumalating on the hard surfaces in the tank, heater and stones ect. It appears clear in the tank but when I clean it out it has a slight golden/light brown tinge to it. I have done regular water changes to try and clear it but it still keeps appearing, but does not appear to be bothering the fish at all. Is this some sort of algae? if so what can I use to clear it out of the tank?

All advice very welcome - Many thanks!

I am new to this forum, although I have had tropical fish before, not for a fair few years. Two problems I have come across and hope someone will give me some advice!

I have a Fluval Edge tank with 6 yellow neon tetras in it - the tank is new and has been running for around 5 weeks at a temp of 25/26 degs.

I have found that the fish are getting stuck in the filter intake pipe - there is one in there now which I have to remove as soon as its daylight and I can see properly, this is the second I have lost in this way. I have turned the filter down at the moment, but obviously cannot leave it like that as it won't filter the water properly. I have found that when the filter is on high the fish appear to be struggling with the high water flow.

I know there is a pre filter sponge but am not sure if this covers the intake pipe in the tank or inside the filter? I am going to have to put something over the intake pipe to stop the fish getting stuck anyway.

I also seem to be having a problem with some sort of "gloop" in the tank....it is a jelly like substance and is seems to be acumalating on the hard surfaces in the tank, heater and stones ect. It appears clear in the tank but when I clean it out it has a slight golden/light brown tinge to it. I have done regular water changes to try and clear it but it still keeps appearing, but does not appear to be bothering the fish at all. Is this some sort of algae? if so what can I use to clear it out of the tank?

All advice very welcome - Many thanks!

Welcome to Tropical Fish Forums....
I have not seen this tank up close, but there should be a grill of some type over the intake pipe (as with fluvals external canister types) All the filters I have used over the years, both fluval & other brands come with a grill to prevent this type of thing happening. Have you overlooked the grill when you set up? Even if it is missing, you should still be able to get hold of one at your LFS.

I have added a URL for you to visit where you may get some answers: http://www.fluvalblog.com/fluval-edge-set-to-complete-international-launch/ You should get some answers here :good:
What makes you think it will not filter the water properly if you reduce the flow?

I have heard of a few people adding a sponge cover over the intake. Take a square of aquarium sponge (rough), cut a + into it, about 2/3 of the way through, then slide over the intake.
What makes you think it will not filter the water properly if you reduce the flow?

I have heard of a few people adding a sponge cover over the intake. Take a square of aquarium sponge (rough), cut a + into it, about 2/3 of the way through, then slide over the intake.

Hello fellow edge owner, The fluval prefilter sponge will completely fix your problem in regards to fish getting stuck inside you intake. It is an official fluval accessory and is of similiar material to the sponge in your filter.


If I can be of anymore assistance let me know!
What makes you think it will not filter the water properly if you reduce the flow?

I have heard of a few people adding a sponge cover over the intake. Take a square of aquarium sponge (rough), cut a + into it, about 2/3 of the way through, then slide over the intake.

Hello fellow edge owner, The fluval prefilter sponge will completely fix your problem in regards to fish getting stuck inside you intake. It is an official fluval accessory and is of similiar material to the sponge in your filter.


If I can be of anymore assistance let me know!

Or a bit of old tights over the end :good:
Yes, I've used entire or pieces of mesh bags (or tights will work, as Tom says) over filter intakes when there are smaller fish about (or when a particular brand of intake grid is just too big for the particular fish) and it works just fine, except one tip is to periodically put your hand down there and pull the mesh material away from the filter grid and kind of roll the material around in your fingers. The material can get encrusted with algae and microorganisms you can see and start to clog up rather quickly even though it looks visually like it's ok (at the worst you may actually see your filter output slow down.)

What makes you think it will not filter the water properly if you reduce the flow?

I think he probably means the less water coming out means less water going in, therefore less water being filtered. I've also thought/wondered this but never asked? Are we right or wrong? Ta
Thanks for your replies....I went straight out and bought a pre filter sponge yesterday, and yes it will solve the problem of small fish getting stuck in the intake pipe. I think this filter should come with the tank to be honest, it seems a necessity for the Fluval Edge. I'm setting another tank up today, a Jewel, and considering putting the yellow neons in it when its cooked for a while, I think they will be happier in a bigger tank.

No one seems to know what this slime is I have in the tank? I bought a bottle of slime/velvet remover so will try that, but when the neons are in the bigger tank I think I'll just strip the Fluval Edge and give it a good clean, new filter sponge ect and start again with a couple of bigger fish. Any ideas what I can species I can put in it?
would a couple of Dwarf Gouramis be ok? Fluval Edge is a lovely looking tank but I do wish they made a bigger one!

As for the filter being on low, yes I presumed that the less water going through the system the less it would be cleaned....?

Thanks again for all your replies
What makes you think it will not filter the water properly if you reduce the flow?
I think he probably means the less water coming out means less water going in, therefore less water being filtered. I've also thought/wondered this but never asked? Are we right or wrong? Ta
As for the filter being on low, yes I presumed that the less water going through the system the less it would be cleaned....?
In that specific tank, one is more limited by the surface area, then the filter when it comes to the stocking. In my experience, the flow rate (within reason) does not have much effect on how detoxified the water is because the amounts of ammonia in the water are quite small. The flow rate will affect the "polishing" functionality of the filter though (mechanical filtration), where flow rate counts. Personally, I would be more concerned with making sure there is good circulation and aeration of the water.

I'm setting another tank up today, a Jewel, and considering putting the yellow neons in it when its cooked for a while, I think they will be happier in a bigger tank.
What is the species? I have never herd of the common name before. Are they maybe Microdevario kubotai, also known as the yellow neon rasboras? If that is the case, I do find that fish as small as that generally do better in smaller tanks.. although a large school would probably look quite impressive in a large tank.

No one seems to know what this slime is I have in the tank? I bought a bottle of slime/velvet remover so will try that
That will treat only for the disease, so will not help. I think it is possibly some sort of bacterial film.

new filter sponge ect
But that will remove all the bacteria though, and you will need to cycle the tank again! :/

[...]and start again with a couple of bigger fish. Any ideas what I can species I can put in it?
would a couple of Dwarf Gouramis be ok? Fluval Edge is a lovely looking tank but I do wish they made a bigger one!
The tank is not suitable for large fish, it is especially not suitable for gouramis because they need good access to the surface or they can suffocate. If it was my tank, I would keep a school of dwarf fish and some shrimp in it.
Thanks again for all your replies. I have lost another 2 tetras overnight in the Fluval Edge, so tested the water in my bigger tank which is fine, and have put the remaining 2 in there. I will have to buy more though as there is not enough of them to be happy...the 2 seem fine at the moment though...fingers crossed.

I am going to strip the Fluval Edge, give it a thorough clean and start again with new everything, though again I will have to buy some filter start also, plus I am buying a small air pump and hope I can fit it in there somehow. Its starting to cost a fortune this tank and they are not cheap to start with....

After the problems I've had with this tank, I was considering putting a goldfish in there, but I have read on this forum that its not suitable for a goldfish....so when the tank is ready I will put 6 rasboras in it I think and hope they don't die also. I've already had a crystal red shrimp which died within 2 days. I have a real plant in there, which surprisingly is doing really well and rooting!! but theres not really enough space to put anything for them to hide in, although I have a small hiding log which I could put in I guess.

The tetras I have are sold as Yellow Neon Tetras in the shop, and I can only describe them as the same size as blue neons-the main body colour is yellow and they have a green stripe down the topside of the body. They are very pretty and I'm quite annoyed I keep losing them!

Hope I can get this Fluval Edge sorted out and the fish stop dying on me, I cannot understand why, I tested the water and it was all fine....so I hope the addition of an air pump will do the trick :) Julie
Can I suggest:

Next time you do a water change on your big tank, use some of that water to seed the fluval edge.

As you stated, the test reading are fine on the large tank, you will be transfering some good aged water into the edge.
Another tetra gone today...they just keel over and die...no warning-one minute they are fine and the next gone.... so there is only one now - luckily it seems to have joined the school of rasporas in my big tank, they have accepted it and at the moment its swimming around happily with them - these yellow tetras seem very delicate indeed and I have decided not to buy anymore!!

Thanks for the tip of putting water from my big tank into the Edge, I will do that. I've managed to get an airstone in so at least theres more oxygen in the water, though it spoils the look of the tank I must admit. I'm just going to leave it running for a while, the shop said a day before adding fish but I think it needs longer than that?....and I have no idea how long so if someone would tell me I would really appreciate it! Then how many fish should I add at a time and how long between adding them?
I'm having my own battle with my recently cycled Edge but that's another story.... When you set up your Edge how did you cycle your tank?

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