Fluval Edge

Thanks again everyone for the sound advice - I am now gaining a little more knowledge from this site and researching fish on the internet, and having a look well before I decide what fish to add to my big tank - i.e.
if conditions will suit that particular species; have I got the right plants; the stats are right and so on.

However, I did go to a Garden Centre Aquarium Dept on Sunday and enquired about a Dwarf Gourami and he actually asked me some facts - how long the tank had been set up and son on - then said it was too soon for this fish and to wait another month before I get one...so all shops are not the same. I have also found that in one shop I use you have to answer a lot of questions before they will sell fish, which can only be good.

The Guppies in the Edge are still thriving (touch wood) and I am still following Curiosity 101's instructions!
Hopefully I won't be losing any more fish anytime soon.
Thanks again everyone for the sound advice - I am now gaining a little more knowledge from this site and researching fish on the internet, and having a look well before I decide what fish to add to my big tank - i.e.
if conditions will suit that particular species; have I got the right plants; the stats are right and so on.

However, I did go to a Garden Centre Aquarium Dept on Sunday and enquired about a Dwarf Gourami and he actually asked me some facts - how long the tank had been set up and son on - then said it was too soon for this fish and to wait another month before I get one...so all shops are not the same. I have also found that in one shop I use you have to answer a lot of questions before they will sell fish, which can only be good.

The Guppies in the Edge are still thriving (touch wood) and I am still following Curiosity 101's instructions!
Hopefully I won't be losing any more fish anytime soon.

Yes, for the 10 bad lfs out there, there is 1 who will be very good, the trick is tracking them down. well done for finding yours.

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